Where in the world is water and energy? 6th Grade Earth Science Unit
Unit Questions How does water impact the earth’s process? What are sources of energy to wind and water?
Content Questions How does the location of water on Earth's surface and the conditions of the atmosphere affect its path through stages of the water cycle? How does the amount of saltwater differ from the amount of freshwater on Earth? Does salt water and fresh water move through the same water cycle? Where does salt in the ocean come from? Why does water continually move through the water cycle? How are the geological features that exist on land similar to the geological features on the ocean floor?
Pre-assessment Questions Students answer a set of True/False statements about water before the lesson. 1._____There is more salt water than fresh water on Earth. 2._____People can drink salt water right out of the ocean.
Pre-Assessment (cont’d) 3._____There is more water in all the lakes and rivers of the world combined than underground. 4._____People can make fresh water out of salt water.
Our K-W-L What I Know: What I Wonder: What I Learned: More than half of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. The Earth get its energy from the sun. What happens when water move through the water cycle? What source of energy causes tidal waves and tsunamis? Where does salt in the ocean come from? How does freshwater become salt water?
Anticipation Guide Position Statements Directions: Please read each statement below about water in the earth’s processes and indicate T for true and F for false. Before Learning Experiences Position Statements After The water cycle has three stages: precipitation, evaporation , and condensation. H20 is a compound that can only exist as a liquid. Atmospheric conditions affect the water cycle. Salt water is more dense than fresh water. Humans have no impact on the water supply. The earth is about 50% water. The sun has the greatest effect on the tides. Underneath the ocean, the Earth has plains, mountains, and valleys, which can be larger than those on dry land.
Water in the Earth’s Processes Concept Map Sources Water Cycle Water Energy
Summarizing Today’s Content Based on information gathered today in reference to our new unit answer the following questions on our class blog site. -How did the activities completed in class add to your knowledge about the water and the Earth? -Search the internet to find resources relevant our unit topic and list the at least two links on your blog.