The Reunification of China & The Mongols Block 2 11/8-11/9/17
Bellwork: Block 2 How did the Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties bring order to China between periods of chaos and instability?
Three Dynasties The Tang brought peace to northwestern China; extended control into Tibet; and established diplomatic relations with Southeast Asia before government corruption led to the collapse of the dynasty. The Song dynasty is noted for the prosperity and rich cultural life that prevailed within China until the Mongols took control in the late 1200s. The Sui reunified China after centuries of disorder and civil war. Sui Yangdi completed the Grand Canal, which facilitated trade but used forced labor and high taxes causing a rebellion that ended the dynasty. Rulers in the Tang dynasty gave land to peasants and reinstituted civil service examinations based on the teachings of Confucius.
Drawing Conclusions about the Silk Road Did the Silk Road run north or south of the Himalayas? What was the reason for this? North – the Himalayas were very difficult to traverse. How might the Silk Road have facilitated the spread of ideas and trade? Merchants carried their religions with them as well as technological ideas. The Silk Road provided a reliable land route for merchants and caravans to traverse between long distances.) The Song emperor moved the capital to Hangzhou, he renamed the city Lin'an, meaning "temporary safety."
Drawing Conclusions about the Silk Road What strategic advantages did the location of the new capital give to the Song? It was easier to defend than a site in the interior. It was located on the coast, near a river delta, making it easily accessible to sea trade. Why was the Tang dynasty well- situated to encourage economic development and trade with the West and Japan? The empire extended far to the west and that the empire had good sea access to Japan
What is the difference between an empire and a dynasty? A dynasty is “a succession, lasting several generations, of rulers from the same family or group.” An empire is “a single political unit, with one supreme ruler, composed of an aggregate of nations or peoples.” What is the difference between an empire and a dynasty?
What were the reasons for the collapse of the three dynasties? Both the Sui and Tang dynasties collapsed due to rebellions. The Song dynasty was overthrown by the Mongols.
What led to the downfall of the Sui dynasty? Cruelty Force Labor High Taxes Emperor’s Extravagant Lifestyle Military Failures
The Tang dynasty instituted reforms and increased China’s influence in East Asia. What impacts on Eastern Asia did political developments during the Tang dynasty have? What institution of Eastern civilization originated during Tang China? Why do you think the civil service examinations were so difficult? Tang rulers suppressed peasant uprisings reunited the empire brought peace to northwestern China expanded China's control into the area north of the Himalaya—known as Tibet. China claimed to be the greatest power in East Asia. Neighboring states, including Korea, offered tribute to China Tang emperors reinstituted civil service examinations to staff the government. The exams were based on the teachings of Confucius. It was important to find qualified government officials and discourage corruption.
How did the Chinese government and economy develop and change over the time period of the three dynasties?
How did the Chinese government and economy develop and change over the time period of the three dynasties? During the period of the three dynasties, the Chinese developed a mature political system. Improved farming techniques and land reform resulted in an increase in food production. The Tang dynasty developed a steelmaking process, cotton clothing, and gunpowder weapons. The Silk Road trade network facilitated the exchange of goods, technology, and ideas, including religion. During the Song dynasty, the government loosened its control of long- distance trade and allowed private merchants to become involved. In the A.D. 700s and A.D. 800s, paper money replaced some of the copper coins and a banking system developed.
How did Chinese society evolve during the period of the three dynasties? Wealthy urban families enjoyed new leisure activities. The gulf between rich landowners and poor peasants narrowed, but the landed gentry remained powerful. Women had little power during this time. Parents preferred male children.
Bellwork: Block 2 Based on what you already know or have heard of, on your worksheet fill in each bubble fill in an adjective that YOU think describes the Mongols, Mongolia, and Genghis Khan.
Impressions of The Mongols, Mongolia, and Genghis Khan
Have you ever seen Genghis Khan or a Mongol warrior depicted in a movie or television show? How was he portrayed?
Kublai Khan (1215-1294) completed the Mongols’ conquest of China Kublai Khan (1215-1294) completed the Mongols’ conquest of China. A grandson of Ghengis Khan, he established the Yuan dynasty, which would rule China until 1368. What impression do you have of the Mongols? Examine the images of Kublai Khan and read the quotations about the Mongols that appear on the slides that follow. Then answer the questions on your graphic organizer.
How did the Mongol’s create the world’s largest land empire How did the Mongol’s create the world’s largest land empire? What effect did the Mongol invasion of the Arab Empire have on Islamic Civilization? Pages 255-259 The Mongols were clans of nomads in northern Asia who subsisted by raising livestock. They traveled and fought on horseback. In the early 1200s, Genghis Khan unified the Mongols and conquered much of Eurasia. efforts to conquer Japan and the Indonesian islands were unsuccessful. After the death of Genghis Khan, his empire was divided into regions called khanates. A grandson of Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, completed the conquest of China and established the Yuan dynasty. Mongol efforts to conquer Japan and the Indonesian islands were unsuccessful.
Genghis Khan video (TE resource) Guided viewing questions: What event in Genghis khan’s childhood shaped his ruthless behavior? Genghis khan was a fierce warrior and also a wise leader. What did he offer nomadic tribes in exchange for their loyalty? What were the most valuable spoils Genghis khan gained from Beijing? Genghis Khan video (TE resource)
The Mongol Empire c. 1294 C. E.
Why were the Mongol rulers successful in ruling China? Mongol rulers adapted to the Chinese political system and retained Chinese bureaucrats. They brought stability and prosperity.
Genghis Khan united the Mongols, who then turned their energies outward in successful conquest due to unique mounted and ranged tactics. After the death of Genghis Kham the vast empire was divided among his heirs, with each son or grandson ruling a separate territory, called a khanate. The death of Genghis Khan distracted the empire until a new heir or heirs were found. While the Mongol invasions continued, the empire was no longer unified, and individual khanates were not as strong as the united empire had been.
Using the map and your text to answer: Why were the Mongols’ famous military tactics not successful in Southeast Asia and Japan?
Islands such as Java, Sumatra, and Japan could be reached only by ships. Tactics such as cavalry charges and siege warfare were not effective in regions that were mountainous or heavily forested.
Europeans probably could not believe that the Mongols--known for their brutality--were as advanced as the people of European cultures. The Mongol rulers increased trade, especially along the Silk Road, by bringing the entire Eurasian landmass under a single rule. This opened up the empire to visits from foreigners such as Marco Polo. Why do you think Marco Polo's descriptions of the wonders of China seemed unbelievable to many Europeans?
Marco Polo and the Silk Road Video (TE Resource)