Anatomy of The Reproductive System 8th grade By Leah Turner, Jennifer Golay and Kyle Boling
What is Reproduction? On your diagram write at the top of the page or on the back what you think reproduction is in one to three sentences.
Answer Reproduction is the process by which living organisms produce others of their own kind.
What is the reproductive system? Write your response on the back in three sentences or less.
Answer It is the body’s organs and structures that make it possible to produce children.
Expectations 1. Appropriate behavior is expected we understand it can be a little uncomfortable so please keep giggling to yourself. 2. Any questions you have write down on a piece of paper that way it is anonymous and we can determine if it is appropriate or not.
Female Reproductive System Vagina: A tube like organ that connects the U connects the uterus to the outside of the the body. The birth of a baby follows its its path Cervix: The lower portion of the uyer uterus that opens into the vagina. During Labor During labor the cervix dilates (expands) (expands) to about 4 inches or 10 centi centimeters in diameter
Female R.S. cont… Uterus: Also called the womb the uterus is a hollow pear shaped organ with a muscular wall and lining. The uterus expands many times in size during pregnancy to hold the growing fetus Fallopian Tube: These thin, soft tubes Extend from the uterus to the ovaries . During ovulation an ovary releases an egg into the fallopian tube next to it. Ovary (ovaries): located on the left and right lower abdomen . Ovaries produce eggs as well as hormones like estrogen and progesterone.
Female Reproduction Ovum: The female reproductive single egg cell produced in the ovaries. Fimbria: Hair like follicles that draw the ovum (egg) into the fallopian tube from the ovaries.
Male Reproductive System Penis: The penis is made of two parts, the shaft (the main part) and the glans, ( the lip, sometimes called the head). Urethra: A tube that carries semen and urine out of the penis. Scrotum: Sometimes called the scrotalsac,it contains the testicles and epididymis which hangs underneath the penis.
M.R. continued… Testicle: The two testicles or testes produce sperm and the male sex hormone testosterone. Epididymis: Next to each testicle, the epididymis is a tightly coiled tube where sperm are stored. From here sperm are transported to the Vas Deferens. Vas Deferens: Also called the ductus deferens, this thin muscular tube transports sperm from the epididymis to the urethra. Prostate Gland: The size of a walnut this gland surrounds a portion of the urethra and produces some of the fluids in semen.
Male Reproductive Cowper’s gland: Two pea sized glands located at the base of the prostate gland that secrete lubrication to assist in intercourse and this secretion is known as pre ejaculation. Rectum: The final portion of the large intestine, it extends from the colon down to the anus. Bladder: The muscular sac that stores urine until it is released into the urethra. Seminal Vesicle: Located at the base of the bladder, the seminal vesicles secrete a thick fluid that provides nourishment for the sperm.
Reproductive basketball Rules We will read a definition out loud if you think you have the correct answer, hold up your vocabulary word. If your vocabulary word is correct you get a chance to shoot a basket and earn a point. There is a surprise for everyone at the end of the game.