Year 6 Residential : The Lake District 6th – 9th June 2017 Parent / Carers Meeting Monday 23rd January 2017
How are we getting there? Where are we going? When are we going? Who is going? How are we getting there? Where are we going? What are we doing when we get there? What will we need? Over the course of the meeting these are the questions that we will be focusing on. There are some post it notes on your table. If you have any questions during this please scribble them on a post it note and it may be that as we go through the presentation they are answered and if not we will answer them at the end.
When are we going? Tuesday 6th June – Coach leaves KPS at 09:30am Friday 9th June – Coach leaves Ambleside at 10:00am
Who is going? Pupils 21 Y6 children Staff Jane MacKay Helen Woodhead Steven Honeyman Donna Frostick As it looks this gives us an adult to child ratio of 1:5. However, the advice from LA EVC is that if an adult is related to a child in the party then they cannot be counted in the ratios so the official ratio for the visit is 1 adult to 7 children.
How are we getting there? Coach (For journey to and from Lakes only) Services stops planned and risk assessed (both ways) In Lakes will be walking and using ferry. Jane MacKay will be driving up which will ensure that we have a car, in case of emergency, in Ambleside
Where are we going? YHA Ambleside
What are we doing when we get there? Tuesday Arrive (1pm) Eat lunch Rooms available at 2pm Climbing Wall at 2:30 – 5:30pm (Walk there and back) Back to YHA to unpack and tea Shower Film and PJ / Park and PJ
Ambleside Climbing Wall
Windermere Lake Cruises What are we doing when we get there? Wednesday and Thursday - Boat Windermere Lake Cruises
What are we doing when we get there? Wednesday Day spent at Brockhole Visitor Centre Ferry at 9:50am Treetop Nets at 11:00am (2 hours) Treetop Trek at 3:00pm (2 hours) Return ferry at 5:40pm Tea, activity and bed!
What are we doing when we get there? Thursday Walking Ferry at 9:50am to Wray Castle Photo stop at the Castle Walk along NR6 back to Ambleside Feed ducks; ice cream; Borrons Park YHA for dinner and to pack up
What are we doing when we get there? Friday Breakfast Room check Coach leaves at 10am
The Youth Hostel Third floor Segregated corridor Mixture of rooms Drying room TV Room / Social spaces Meals Full board Children will need to bring a packed lunch for Tuesday but one will be provided for Friday Buffet style breakfast 6 item packed lunch 3 course evening meal
During the stay Medication No phones, electricals etc Contact through website / text message system ICE – Jane MacKay will contact directly Children can bring cards, board games, art equipment etc (battery free) No sweets and goodies – we will provide it all Camera allowed – disposable Leave all jewellery and valuables at home
Risk Assessments All have to be submitted to LA by 14th April Coach Travel YHA Walking in town Climbing Wall Treetop Nets Treetop Trek Brockhole Site Windermere Cruises Walk on Thursday
In case of emergency Mobile signal at all times First aid kits at all times Access to main roads Emergency Services Child will come first Parent / carer contact made once safety of all children is confirmed Decisions made Nearest large hospital is Lancaster (J33 / 34 M6)
Packing List The Easy Bit! PJs Towels (Hand and Bath) Toilet Bag (Essentials only) * Shower gel; shampoo; toothbrush; toothpaste; hairbrush; deodorant (roll on only) Underwear (would recommend at least six changes in preparation for worst weather conditions) Indoor footwear
Packing List The Essentials Bit! Sturdy walking shoes / boots (Must have been walked in prior to visit) Rucksack Packable waterproof trousers Waterproof coat Layers! Long sleeve top (Treetop nets) Light but warm
Packing List Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Evenings Jogging bottoms/ cargo trousers T Shirt / Top Light jacket/fleece Jogging bottoms / cargo trousers Long sleeve top Light fleece / jacket Jogging bottoms / cargo trousers / Shorts Jogging bottoms / cargo trousers / jeans / Shorts Jeans / PJS / T Shirt As a result of the spectacularly changeable weather that the Lakes is famous for children will need to be prepared for all eventualities Headwear – hat / sun hat Sun cream! (Self application) Waterproof coat which can be worn on top of layers Thermal leggings / vest DURING THE SPRING BANK HOLS WE WILL BE KEEPING A CLOSE EYE ON THE LONG RANGE WEATHER FORECAST BUT, IN MY OWN EXPERIENCE, THIS VERY RARELY MATCHES WHAT WILL HAPPEN – PREPARATION FOR ALL EVENTUALITIES IS KEY!