DUCKS By Trevor
Ducks are water birDs What are ducks They are in the anatidae family. The anatidae family are birds that are similar to swans, geese, and ducks. What are ducks
Benefits of Ducks Beautiful and majestic creatures They are fun to feed They help get rid of bread you don’t want Good as backyard pets (if you have a pond) You can eat ducks You can also eat duck eggs
Drawbacks of ducks They attack humans Annoy parents (kids like to scare them away) They steal food Make a lot of annoying quacks They are very dirty Very difficult to pet
Mallards Most common ducks Large appetite All ducks (except Muscovy) come from mallards Males: Green head, Yellow bill Females: Brown, Orange bill
Wood ducks Widely considered the prettiest of ducks Look very curvy Mainly eat berries, seeds, and insects Males: Green feather that runs down back of head Very colorful, Lots of patterns on feathers Female: Brown, White circle around eyes Dark beak
Muscovy ducks Widely considered the ugliest of ducks Eat mosquitos Considered the most fun to raise Male: White head, brown and white feathers Female: Look like chickens, dark feathers
Fun Facts Males called “drakes” Females called “hens” Babies called “duckling” A group of ducks is called a “raft” The only continent without ducks is Antarctica Ducks have completely waterproof feathers
When mAkInG a nest, the hen will pluck feathers from herself to make the nest as comfy and warm as possible for her eggs. The ducks bill is specifically made to help the duck find food in the mud and in the water. All species of ducks are omnivores, meaning they eat meat and plants. Fun facts V2 DuCkS dO nOt HaVe BlOoD cElLs In ThEiR FeEt’ MeAnInG tHeY dOn,T FeEl CoLd: