Status Report: Blue Plains Biosolids Management Plan Report to the Blue Plains Regional Committee by Karl Berger March 24, 2011
Presentation Outline Virginia regulatory status – staff recommendations Maryland legislation Biosolids research Biosolids composting initiative BPRC meeting of March 24, 2011
Virginia Regulatory Status State of Virginia released draft of regulations for public comment in late February Acceptable compromises on signage, storage, nutrient management and buffers Some concern that Board will want to make changes VAMWA, others preparing comments Technical Advisory Committee (Karl Berger is rep) will provide input on any changes Final regs are expected in late 2011, early 2012 BPRC meeting of March 24, 2011
Virginia Regulations – Proposed Comment Letter Emphasize importance of Blue Plains to region, role in helping to manage wastewater from northern VA Cite NBP-certified biosolids management program Endorse VAMWA’s comments Support process that led to proposed regulations Technical Advisory Committee input Participation of Va. Dept. of Health Focus on buffers, nutrient management Extension of buffers to 400 feet represents “abundance of caution” BPRC meeting of March 24, 2011
2011 Maryland Legislation H.B. 24 (still alive) Would require winter application of biosolids to be treated the same as winter application of manure Effectively a ban on winter application S.B. 404 (killed in committee) Would limit biosolids permitting to “owner-occupied” sites Less than 40 % of all currently permitted sites would meet this requirement BPRC meeting of March 24, 2011
Ongoing Research Projects Biostimulant/greenhouse gas study Wye surface application to hybrid poplars Land base analysis of phosphorus, lime impacts Note – DC Water and WSSC also fund projects directly BPRC meeting of March 24, 2011
2nd Year results document hypothesis that biosolids improve stress resistance BPRC meeting of March 24, 2011
District Biosolids Composting Initiative McGill composting facility processes app. 1,100 wet tons/month of Blue Plains biosolids Backhaul option available to reduce hauling costs Working with D.C. Urban Forestry to use compost in tree planting, soil rehab projects; 2 finished to date: soil restoration project in median at Florida Avenue and N Capital Street two-block re-vegetation project at N Capitol and P streets Project helps pave way for future use of Class A horticultural product from digesters BPRC meeting of March 24, 2011
District Biosolids Compost Project BPRC meeting of March 24, 2011