Communication Styles
Are you assertive #1-10 Answer YES or NO to each question I have apologized for something that wasn’t my fault I have spoken to someone for longer than I wanted to because I didn’t want to hurt the persons feelings by cutting him/her off. I feel uncomfortable or embarrassed if I receive compliments I’ve been angry at someone just because my friends were. I’ve been out on a date with someone I didn’t want to because I felt pressured to do it.
I’ve done something I shouldn’t have done because I felt pressured to do it. I get really upset and hurt if someone is angry with me. If I received the wrong food at a restaurant, I would have a hard time asking the server to take it back. I’ve worn something I didn’t really like because I didn’t want to start an argument. I’ve gone someplace I didn’t want to go because I didn’t want to start and argument.
Passive A tendency to give up, give in, or back down without standing up for rights and needs
Aggressive Overly forceful, pushy, hostile, or otherwise attacking in their approach (disrespectful)
Assertive Standing up for your rights and beliefs in firm but positive ways. (respectful)
You have been waiting in line a long time at an amusement park and a woman with 3 kids tries to push ahead of you. Aggressive: Passive: Assertive:
Your mother buys you a sweater you really dislike. Aggressive Passive Assertive
Assignment: Create a drawing or cartoon clip using either Passive/Assertive/Aggressive as the main theme
Assignment Create a drawing or cartoon clip using either Passive/Assertive/Aggressive as the main theme