Bronx Community Health Dashboard: Diabetes Created: 4/18/2017 Last Updated: 10/23/2017 See last slide for more information about this project.
Diabetes exerts tremendous economic & health toll +750% increase in prevalence of diabetes from late 1950s to 2014 Diabetes exerts tremendous economic & health toll From 0.93% to 7.03% Adapted from
Diabetes is a leading cause of morbidity & mortality in the US In the US in 2015, diabetes is the third leading cause of morbidity + mortality. Burden increasing Burden decreasing Diabetes has experienced the 3rd highest annual increase in morbidity + mortality in the US since 1990, trailing only drug use disorders and chronic kidney disease Data source: 2015 Global Burden of Disease Project. DALY = Disability Adjusted Life Years and is a measure that captures the impact of a risk factor or condition on total health, including both morbidity (i.e., disability) and mortality. Analysis limited to top 20 causes.
Peer Counties Average: +31% The Bronx has a higher prevalence of diabetes than all other NYC boroughs and peer counties Peer Counties Average: +31% Bronx: +40% Data source: United States Diabetes Surveillance System, Division of Diabetes Translation, CDC. Data not comparable to NYC CHS data presented elsewhere.
Bronx has the highest percent of diabetes of all boroughs Diabetes Prevalence by NYC Borough, 2002-2015 Bronx: +27% Rest of NYC +48% Data source: New York City Community Health Survey, 2002-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Those 65 years and older, Females, and Hispanics have highest rates of diabetes in the Bronx in 2015 Diabetes Prevalence, Bronx 2015 Not age-adjusted Data source: New York City Community Health Survey, 2002-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Adults with the least education in the Bronx have the highest percent of diabetes Diabetes Prevalence by Educational Attainment, Bronx 2010-2015 Data source: New York City Community Health Survey, 2002-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH. Data not available for the year 2005.
5 out of 10 Districts with Highest Percent of Diabetes are in the Bronx NYC 10% 201 202 203 204 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 205 201 Mott Haven & Melrose 202 Hunts Point & Longwood 203 Morrisania & Crotona 204 Highbridge & Concourse 205 Fordham & University Heights 206 Belmont & East Tremont 207 Kingsbridge Heights & Bedford 208 Riverdale & Fieldston 209 Parkchester & Soundview 210 Throgs Neck & Co-op City 211 Morris Park & Bronxdale 212 Williamsbridge & Baychester Data source: NYC Community Health Profiles.
Diabetes Hospitalizations
5 of the 10 districts with highest rates of avoidable diabetes hospitalizations are in the Bronx 201 202 203 204 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 205 201 Mott Haven & Melrose 202 Hunts Point & Longwood 203 Morrisania & Crotona 204 Highbridge & Concourse 205 Fordham & University Heights 206 Belmont & East Tremont 207 Kingsbridge Heights & Bedford 208 Riverdale & Fieldston 209 Parkchester & Soundview 210 Throgs Neck & Co-op City 211 Morris Park & Bronxdale 212 Williamsbridge & Baychester Data source: NYC Community Health Profiles.
Diabetes Mortality
Diabetes Mortality Rate has fallen by 10 percentage points over the last 15 years in the Bronx Data source: Underlying Cause of Death, 1999-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Males have a higher diabetes mortality rate, adjusting for age in the Bronx Diabetes Mortality Rate by Gender, Adjusting for Age Bronx 2000-2015 Data source: Underlying Cause of Death, 1999-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Males have higher diabetes mortality rates, females do not experience high diabetes mortality rates until reaching 85 years Diabetes Mortality Rate by Gender, Adjusting for Age Bronx 2015 Data source: Underlying Cause of Death, 1999-2015. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Out of 59 districts in NYC, Bronx has 2 of 5 highest Diabetes Mortality Rates 201 202 203 204 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 205 201 Mott Haven & Melrose 202 Hunts Point & Longwood 203 Morrisania & Crotona 204 Highbridge & Concourse 205 Fordham & University Heights 206 Belmont & East Tremont 207 Kingsbridge Heights & Bedford 208 Riverdale & Fieldston 209 Parkchester & Soundview 210 Throgs Neck & Co-op City 211 Morris Park & Bronxdale 212 Williamsbridge & Baychester map of NYC and diabetes mortality rate will be added in Data source: NYC Community Health Profiles.
About the Community Health Dashboard Project The goal of the project is to provide Bronx-specific data on risk factors and health outcomes with an emphasis on presenting data on trends, socio-demographic differences (e.g., by age, sex, race/ethnicity, etc.) and sub-county/neighborhood level data Data will be periodically updated as new data becomes available. Produced by Montefiore’s Office of Community & Population Health using publicly-available data sources For more information please contact Colin Rehm, PhD, Manager of Research & Evaluation (