An Informal email NB 2014-2015
Read the following email
Structure We begin an email 1. A greeting: Dear Mary, Hi Mark, Hello Susa, 2. Introduction or first paragraph Ask about health Thank him/her for last email Reason for writing
Structure 3. Body It is the most important part of the email. Main subject of the email We talk about school/ family/ holidays, etc. Each paragraph talks about a different subject: School Family Holidays
Structure 4. Conclusion It is the last paragraph Closing remark: say goodbye ask the other person to write back soon send him/her family your love…
Structure 5. Closing of email Set phrases Best wishes, Lots of love, Write soon,
Write the following phrase in the appropriate place. Greeting Introduction Conclusion Closing of email
In pairs or groups of 3 (75 – 80 words) September, 2010