How to email someone and get what you want! Email Etiquette How to email someone and get what you want!
When you email someone, you present yourself to them, often for the first time You need to pay close attention to your TONE, as well as a few rules:
Parts of an Email Begin with a greeting This can be a formal one: Dear Mrs. Ricks or an informal one: Hello or Greetings or Good afternoon
Parts of an Email, cont’d. Identify yourself This is especially important if your email address does not have your name in it. Ex: This is Joe Smith from your 2nd period class.
Parts of an Email, cont’d. Briefly identify the reason for the email Make sure your tone is positive and shows respect - remember that you are usually asking someone to do something for you. Be polite! Don’t make assumptions that the person receiving your email knows the situation - explain it a bit
Parts of an Email, cont’d. Be professional Use proper spelling and grammar Don’t use slang Don’t use emoticons or emoji’s
Parts of an Email, cont’d. Include a closing with: How you would like to be contacted A thank you to the person who read your email Your full name
What’s wrong here? Dear Mrs. Wagner, Wassup? How you? Remember that assignment we did in class? When will it be graded because my mom is going to kill me if she sees a zero so please like fix my grade as soon as you can OK?OK!
What’s wrong here? This is Rachel. I turned in my analysis paper today and you still have a zero in for it. Fix it as soon as possible please!
What’s wrong here? Dear Mrs. Wagner, This is Johanne from 6th period. I turned in my analysis paper today. I realize it was late and you will need time to get it graded. However, my mother is grounding me until the grade is in the gradebook. Do you think you could either let me know when you might have it graded or consider sending back an email to me that confirms that I did turn the assignment in today? I can be reached at the email address above, or I am happy to come to tutorials for a note if that would be easier for you. Thank you so much. Johanne Perfect.
Your Assignment – YES! THIS IS A GRADE! Send an email to me, Mrs. Wagner, using the proper email etiquette I just outlined. In your email, introduce yourself and tell me about two goals you have for yourself this year as a new high school student. For each goal, tell me what steps you plan to take to make that goal a reality. After all, “a goal without a plan is just a wish!” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery My email address is This email must be sent to me by the end of the class period.