Thematic Sponsorship, Governance and Communication Model


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Presentation transcript:

Thematic Sponsorship, Governance and Communication Model

Key messages of GM VCSEs Reference Group We are many. The army of staff, volunteers and supporters across the sector are a catalyst for change and a connector of people Our role is critical for the economic success of devolution in Greater Manchester but also for the equally important cultural and social devolution that will help build a truly equal region We can devise, develop and deliver solutions to some of the most challenging problems faced by Greater Manchester, breaking down barriers and building community confidence and cohesion, and ensure we move from crisis resolution to anticipation and prevention We understand our communities. We can help drive people-powered change, harnessing social action and bridging the gap that can exist between public services and the people they serve

Context Thematic governance structures for GM Health and Social Care Partnership (H+SCP)are emerging and embedding Delivery of the MoU negotiated by the Reference Group between the VCSEs and the Health and Social Care Partnership Establishment of a H+SC MoU Programme Board Priority themes agreed for 2017/18 Mental health Homelessness Carers Equality

New GM MH Strategy Programme Implementation MH Programme Delivery Board GM Health & Social Care Strategic Partnership Board CYP MH Board Adult MH Board Population Health Board Diagnosis Post-Diagnostic Support Carers Targeted Groups – BME Care Homes End of Life Dementia Friendly Communities Dementia United Board GM Health & Social Care MH Programme Locality Improvement Collaborative / Networks and Clinical Senates Communities of Interest and Identity Work & Health (inc IPS) Substance Misuse & Alcohol - Dual Diagnosis Homelessness Other population Public Mental Health work streams IAPT Early Intervention in Psychosis Liaison MH – Core 24 Acute Care Pathway Redesign & OAPs Primary Care MH Access SMI Physical Health Personality Disorders GM Resilience Hub ADHD CYP IAPT – Core CAMHS Eating Disorders iTHRIVE & Wkforce Development CYP MH 24/7 Transitions Perinatal/Parent/Infant MH Transforming Care ASD/LD All-Age Education New GM MH Strategy Programme Implementation Provider Federation Board Joint Commissioning Board (NHS/ LAs) Association of GM CCGs GMCA Commissioning Hub GMCA Health & Justice Board Supporting Needs of Offenders & Victims Crisis Care Concordat Liaison & Diversion (Point of Report either to police or non CJS route/Point of Charge/ Pre Court/At Court/Post Court inc MAPPA) Patient, Carers and Public Networks MH VCSE forums Enabling Programmes: MH Task and Finish Groups – BI, Commissioners, Providers, BI, Contracts, Finance, Estates, IM&T, Workforce

Process of agreeing governance structures and VCSEs representation Thematic Sponsors agreed by Reference Group, to serve for one year with review at 9 months- Simone Spray 42nd Street CE Governance structures and appropriate representation of VCSEs agreed with H+SC colleagues. Terms of Reference agreed by each Board Sponsors, supported by infrastructure colleagues, organise thematic meeting of VCSEs colleagues to share governance structures, representation opportunities and Terms of Reference.(Mental Health VCSES Forum) Expressions of Interest (EoI) submitted to Reference Group chair Small panel of cross sector colleagues assess EoIs and make recommendations to Reference Group for sign off, advised by Sponsor (reps from HM Programme Delivery Board and Simone Spray) Attendance, feedback etc. monitored and supported by Sponsor Administrative support from GMCVO team contracted to support MoU delivery Adherence to GM Conflicts of Interest Policy

7 Principles of Public Life Selflessness Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other benefits for themselves, their family or their friends. Integrity Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties. Objectivity In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit. Accountability Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office. Openness Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands. Honesty Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest. Leadership Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.

Ongoing Communication and Review for GM Mental Health Programme Each representative independently fulfils their duties as identified in the ToR In addition: All representatives meet 4 times a year with key H+SC colleagues to review progress steer ongoing strategic developments discuss wider engagement of and communication with the VCSEs and plan the Thematic Forum A thematic forum is convened 3 times a year, led by the Thematic representatives, supported administratively by GMCVO employed Infrastructure organisations agree to share thematic updates via networks and events, with information supplied via the Thematic Sponsor and representatives Sponsors feedback to the H+SC MoU Programme Board and in turn the Reference Group A FULL REVIEW WILL TAKE PLACE IN SEPTEMBER 2018 WITH ALL RELEVANT PARTNERS LED BY THE THEMATIC SPONSORS AND THE REFERENCE GROUP

Opportunities available One place on the GM Mental Health Delivery Board – adult mental health Two places on the CYP MH Board, infant/children and adolescent Two places on the Adult MH Board, transition and adults

Opportunities under development Dementia United Board Population Health Board GMCA Health and Justice Board

Backfill payment available Sponsor Leading beyond their organisation attending appropriate GM MH meetings as VCSEs expert including attending monthly Provider Board meetings, follow up work, reading, written contributions as appropriate, feeding back to colleagues across the VCSEs and across sectors, contributing to the system leadership required for the thematic area. Liasing with Reference Group and GM Partnership, organising and leading sector meetings and monitoring attendance, review process. ENSURING VCSEs IS REPRESENTED AND SUPPORTED ACROSS THE SYSTEM IN LINE WITH MoU £4500 Mental Health Representatives x8 Leading beyond their organisation attending appropriate GM MH meetings as VCSEs experts in their field, follow up work, reading, written contributions as appropriate, feeding back to colleagues across the VCSEs and across sectors, contributing to the system leadership required for the thematic area 12 meetings x £120 = £1440 each GMCVO Forums organised across the year for wider cross sector engagement 3x £500 =£1500

Expressions of Interest Simple form to complete GM area (s) Expertise Networks/Communications 7 Principles of public life Submit to chair of Reference Group by January 5th 2018 Decisions made and applicants informed by end of January 2018

Questions Please contact Simone Spray on: 0161 228 7321