Cyber ecosYstems of modulaR dynamIc pLatform technologies TEASER Cyril Cyber ecosYstems of modulaR dynamIc pLatform technologies Ecosystem Modularity for Resilience, Dynamics and Control
ORGANISATION PROFILE Ms&L ComTech Sàrl Micro Enterprise 5-10 People+Network Since 2005 Marketing Data Decision Tools Corporate Social and Environmental Automated Evaluation Tools Strategy, Implementation (Advisory, Management, Solution) Platform Architecture Consumer Platform and Industrial B2B Platform Business Models Information Systems (ERP, CRM etc) M2M, Mapping of Data Sets IoT Stack IIoT/CPS/SoS Smart Systems European Robotics Association – euRobotics European Factories of the Future – EFFRA
PROPOSAL INTRODUCTION (I) Vision: To build a platform Ecosystem based on the OSGi Java Modularity principle Motivation: Digital industrial B2B platforms have until now been left out of the current discussion of new and innovative business models. There is a need to find soon the right business models to succeed. Smaller companies cannot compete with the larger ones, unless there is an open space for true ecosystem building. The platform owner may be tempted to jeopardize this open space by outplaying the networks’s stakeholders (cf. the recent Das Erste (ARD) reportage on “Das System Amazon”) Content: The new open platform systems need to be resilient, dynamic and to have execution control.
PROPOSAL INTRODUCTION (II) Expected outcome: A platform based modularity ecosystem A platform using software modularity framework To implement the OSGi technology – the Open Services Gateway initiative Alliance – that define a dynamic components system for Java Platform implementation in the ISA95/IEC62264 stack/RAMI 4.0 Hierarchy Levels from the product level and the shop floor to the ERP and the Supply Chain network Economic Impact: To build a viable industrial open source platform ecosystem To test the platform in an industrial environment The value created depends on the final business model. The model should be built on the understanding of a common and collaborative vision – the Modularity Platform ecosystems are key to future business success Schedule: Duration: Max. 24 Months
PARTNERS Current Consortium: A Security Company 1-2 Open Source Solution Provider(s) Partner Search: Micro and Small Enterprises Larger companies for uses cases (domains/application areas)
CONTACT INFO Contact info: Carl GISLESKOG Ms&L ComTech Sàrl +352-621346705