Distinctly geographical? Where is the geography? Have a go at this quiz and see if you can think of geographical activities that might go with the images. Use your prompt cards to help you. Use slide two and three to discuss what ideas might shape distinctly geographical experiences. Then use slide four printed out to use as a ‘Bingo card’, one per pair or small group. You can then play the quiz. For each image ask the groups to decide what geographical activity the image suggests or might link to. They have to explain why or give an example of something they have done using one of the boxed statements on the Bingo sheet. They can then tick this off. The idea is to be able to see how these core geographical ideas, skills and approaches might translate to what we do or see in the classroom.
Geographical understanding is enhanced by: Fieldwork and outdoor learning The use of: graphicacy, ICT, distinctive ways of using maps, atlases, diagrams, images, multimedia, digital mapping use of specific geographical vocabulary Active enquiry skills which are applied to understanding place, space, scale, interdependence, physical & human processes, diversity, ESD Valuing own experience of space and place. Brainstorm a list of distinctly geographical activities, approaches and skills. How does it compare to the above? What has been left off?
Geography is also a key subject: to engage creative and critical thinking about change (locally and globally) and possible futures. for understanding the world their social/ environmental responsibility and their place in it. for underpinning Global Citizenship
Fieldwork & outdoor learning ICT – images, sites, GIS, sound, photography, video, digital maps, photography Graphicacy -visual literacy , charts, diagrams, using images, signs , sketching etc Using plans, maps, globes , atlases, drawing and making maps and plans Making connections – local, global, local to global, values and actions, people and landscape, Thinking about possible futures – making plans, imagining, speculating, what if? Yes but? Active enquiry skills In the real world What is this place like? How do I feel about it? How and why is it changing? Global Citizenship How do I fit in? What’s my role? What does sustainability really mean? Valuing our own experiences of space and place Print this slide off and give to groups as a Bingo card – can they show how each boxed statement might apply to teaching and learning by matching them up with the images in the quiz? Can they explain why? Or, give a practical example of something they have done?
Distinctly geographical? 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 Distinctly geographical? 7
How has this child shown that they are thinking in a distinctly geographical way?
What are the distinctly geographical activities here? Sheffield Hallam Primary School
What is distinctly geographical about this? This recount of a visit to the Headingley Water Works was completed as part of Literacy. Children also researched into water use in their homes and water around the world with the assistance of the Water Aid website. Thornton Dale Primary School
How would you make the most of the geographical opportunities in this activity? Preparation for International week. Class 4H using atlases to research France St Peters Primary School
What distinctly geographical activities might support an ‘International ‘Week’? Year Four Summer 2008: As part of International Week class 4H became South Africa. The children used computers to carry out research on the country and to print pictures to support their work. St Peters Primary School
What is the geographical context here? When asked by the moderator about what had surprised them most when they carried out their fieldwork activity in Crosspool one girl said, `I hadn't expected that so many men would be going into GT News at this time of day.
What geographical issues might you be investigating if you were thinking about packed trains ?
What geographical questions might you ask?
What contribution to distinctly geographical learning could the Eco-Committee make? The Eco-Committee also adds to the enjoyment and achievement of learners. Each class elects a member of the eco committee. The committee meets each week to tackle environmental issues that affect the children both in school and the wider world. St Peters Primary School