Logging into the linux machines This series of view charts show how to log into the linux machines from the Windows environment. Machine name IP address linux1.gl.umbc.edu linux2.gl.umbc.edu linux3.gl.umbc.edu
Installing UMBC ssh software ssh is under FTP and Telnet Alternatives
Go to TeraTerm SSH To Install the software.
Main Window of Tera Term Pro To Log In to UMBC Linux Machines.
Starting SSH (Secure Shell) Programs -> UMBC Tera Term Pro -> GL UMBC Tera Term
Logging into linux2.gl.umbc.edu
A “Shell” into linux2 machine
Exceeded your Disk Quota ? If you use Internet Browsers to navigate the web, Remnant files may accumulate in your home directory. These files can cause you to exceed your disk space quota. Enter the following command at the UNIX prompt to clean up these unnecesary files: oitcleaner To view how much disk space you have used, enter: quota -v
The following view charts show how to run a “telnet” session from the Windows Environment. The telent software has been taken off of the linux servers.
Select the “Run” Button
Select the “Remote System” Button
Enter your login name and password.
Logging into linux2.gl.umbc.edu