Presented by Marie Lippens Engaging online faculty in Learning Analytics. A mixed methods case study Presented by Marie Lippens
…Learning Analytics? Learning analytics (LA) is the “measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for the purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs” (Siemens 2013) Learning Analytics is sits at the intersection of several disciplines such as education, psychology, linguistics, computer science, machine learning, social learning, and the list grows (JISC, 2016). Fewer than 20 years as a distinct field of research. Has had impact on our collective understanding of learning and the varied complexities Done at various levels (Macro/Meso/Micro) Difficulties: Attempts to use human learning data to understand, predict, influence and improve the many ways we teach and learn. Observation: Many studies have not explicitly described a theory-grounded approach WHO is doing this? HOW? Image:
Problem Literature suggests that Learning Analytics (LA) can help teachers understand and improve alignment between course design/delivery parameters and outcomes. Online teachers aren’t widely and openly using LA to inform their practice. Let’s engage experienced online teachers and see what they have to say about the process. Two distinct aspects of teacher activity: learning design considerations that are often decided in course development stages; revisited if possible. activities of the teacher during the course – their leadership, guidance and general level of interaction with students. This, too, is often revised reflectively. Image:
Research Questions Research Question 1: By engaging faculty in the process of learning analytics, grounded in learning theory and learning design concepts, what insights and actionable items are identified? Research Question 2: How do faculty perceive learning analytics as a means to inform ongoing course design/delivery decisions? What are the opportunities and challenges? Image: 318-11940.jpg
…The Literature Learning analytics awareness is on the rise (Gašević, Dawson & Siemens, 2015). What’s being done with analytics? Things like… Predictive model development and flagging systems. Learning Analytics Awareness example: Park, Yu and Jo’s (2016) exploration of LMS data patterns in more than 600 courses. Intended usage and actual usage were misaligned. We aren’t always achieving what we think we are achieving with learning technology and design. Predictive Model development and flagging systems example 1: Macfadyen and Dawson’s (2010) study found 15 variables in large-scale LMS data that had a simple, significant correlation to final course grade, confirming the possibility to learning analytics to flag at-risk students for intervention. A model developed from key variables correctly identified 81% of students who achieved a failing grade. In addition, network analysis of the course discussion forums was able to identify disconnected students and the instructor’s position within the network. Predictive Model development and flagging systems example 2: Purdue “Signals” Image: 318-11940.jpg
…The Literature Learning analytics awareness is on the rise (Gašević, Dawson & Siemens, 2015). What’s being done with analytics? Things like… Capturing Cognition. Building on the research of predictive analytics, Zhou and Winne (2012) looked at LMS trace data representative of mental events (tagging text, clicking on hyperlinks), and found that the data was more predictive of goal orientation and student success when compared to students’ self-reported goals. An interesting and novel application of the power of analyzing human behaviours, this study shows the ability of analytics to capture cognition within the dynamics of the learning environment. Image: 318-11940.jpg
…The Literature Learning analytics awareness is on the rise (Gašević, Dawson & Siemens, 2015). What’s being done with analytics? Things like… Capturing student interaction activity. Chang and Hannafin (2015) observed collaborative activities inside of large enrolment college-level biology courses in the United States. The effect of these activities on individual learning outcomes, categorized by content knowledge and higher order thinking was determined. In terms of achievement, high-performing students benefited from the group activities, but low-performing students did not. Further, both high performers and low performers questioned the value of the group work. The article points out important areas for further inquiry around the design, facilitation and monitoring of collaborative activities. Several studies exploring simple interaction data produced conflicting results (see, for example, Joksimović, Gašević, Loughin, Kovanović & Hatala, 2015). Integrating further qualitative and contextual elements into the research design, such as course design parameters and teachers’ scaffolding for interaction, has the potential to reveal a great deal about the context-specific teaching-learning dynamics. Gašević, Dawson, Rogers and Gasevic (2016) support this assertion that instructional conditions must be considered when interpreting analytics data. Image: 318-11940.jpg
…The Literature Current efforts: Bridge the cross-disciplinary divide between information and communications technology (ICT) professionals and those in education (Siemens, 2013). Goal: enable theory- and practice- oriented data usage. Not only to predict learner achievement, but to guide them along the way (Gašević, 2015). Image: 318-11940.jpg
Methodology Study Design Mixed methods exploratory case study Context Multiple iterations of two established online graduate courses taught by long-standing, highly experienced faculty. Each 14-week course offers several levels of student interactivity, including collaborative work, peer support and discussion-based activities. From a learning design perspective, these types of course activities offer a rich and varied environment in which deep, meaningful learning may occur. Students already took the first two core courses in the program, aligning some prior knowledge and expectations. Faculty: well over 10 years teaching online, and had been teaching the courses in this study for more than four years and more than ten years respectively. These characteristics ensured that Faculty had sufficient experience teaching online to openly discuss online learning principles, and that they had enough experience with the individual course under study to provide a rich, reflective perspective to the data. LD criteria required a structured timeline with regular activity scheduled. Courses were required to incorporate regular means of LMS-based communication amongst all participants as part of the course discourse. Stable and consistent enrolment was also required so that multiple iterations of the course could be explored. Three iterations of one course and two iterations of the other course were available and used for this study.
Methodology Step 1 Quantitative Analysis of LMS data according to: 1. Learning Design Visualizations As described in Lockyer et al, 2013 and supported in Bakharia, Corrin, de Barba, Kennedy, Gašević, Mulder, Williams, Dawson and Lockyer (2016) 2. Total log counts (as proxy for total presence) See Whitmer’s study (as cited in Jisc, 2016) 3. Discourse Analysis using the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework See analytics models: Rockinson-Szapkiw, Wendt, Whighting & Nisbet (2016), and original framework by Garrison, Anderson & Archer (1999) -Preliminary questionnaire (existing sources of decision support) -Quantitative data (logged course data) -Qualitative data (interviews with faculty)
Methodology Step 2 Qualitative Analysis – insight from faculty LMS data representations were provided to faculty with no explanations, then an open-ended interview was conducted Coding was completed as follows: Themes patterns cross-case comparisons repeat to saturation
Methodology Step 3 Compare/contrast Quantitative course data / Qualitative faculty perspective Goal: Look for practical implications identified by faculty that emerge from this process
Results Quantitative Results LD visualizations …loose alignment for all iterations of both courses…
Table 1: Learning design of course 1 by weekly activity schedule. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Unit Disc Forum D Assignment 1 2 3 Figure 1: Logged course activity, by type, for Course 1, iteration 1 (18 Users)
Table 1: Learning design of course 1 by weekly activity schedule. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Unit Disc Forum D Assignment 1 2 3 Figure 2: Logged course activity, by type, for Course 1, iteration 2 (16 Users)
Table 1: Learning design of course 1 by weekly activity schedule. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Unit Disc Forum D Assignment 1 2 3 Figure 3: Logged course activity, by type, for course 1, iteration 3 (Weeks 1-12; 23 Users)
Table 2: Learning design of course 2 by weekly activity schedule. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Unit Disc Forum Intro 1 Assignment 1 2 Figure 4: Logged course activity, by type, for course 2, iteration 1 (13 Users)
Table 2: Learning design of course 2 by weekly activity schedule. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Unit Disc Forum Intro 1 Assignment 1 2 Figure 5: Logged course activity, by type, for course 2, iteration 2 (Weeks 1-13; 19 Users)
Results Quantitative Results Log hits as a proxy indicator of total presence Wide variation among users Teacher activity almost always exceeded that of the students
Figure 6: Logged course activity, by user, for Course 1, iteration 1 *Co-instructed by User 2 and User 3
Figure 7: Logged course activity, by user, for Course 1, iteration 2 *Co-instructed by User 2 and User 5
Figure 8: Logged course activity, by user, for Course 1, iteration 3 *Co-instructed by User 2 and User 6
Figure 9: Logged course activity, by user, for course 2, iteration 1 *Instructed by User 9
Figure 10: Logged course activity, by user, for course 2, iteration 2 Figure 10: Logged course activity, by user, for course 2, iteration 2 *Instructed by User 9, visiting interns User 5 and User 14
Discourse Analysis of Discussion Forums Discussion forum discourse was coded according to the Community of Inquiry template (Garrison et al., 2000). A deeply developed community of inquiry is evident as sustained periods of each type of presence. Additionally, individuals can be identified by their level of engagement using the same construct.
Why the CoI? In the context of graduate level online learning, a collaborative-constructivist model can be applied, which is the basis of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) Model (Garrison, Anderson and Archer, 1999). Supplementary slide RE: CoI Ref (validation support): Arbaugh et al (2008) Validation support of the CoI model notes the dual nature of the element of teaching presence, with course design and instructor behaviour emerging as separate and related factors Image:
Results Quantitative Results Discourse analysis (CoI) All three presences were well developed Course 1: Cognitive Presence > Social Presence > Teaching Presence Course 2: Social presence established first, Cognitive presence later Wide variations per user… those with high/low presence were not always the same as in the total log hits
Social Presence Teaching Presence Table 1: Quantitation of the elements of the Community of Inquiry within course discussion forums (partial list only). Disc Forum 1 Disc Forum 2 Disc Forum 3 Cognitive Presence 169 56 49 1 : Exploration 30 3 16 2 : Integration 93 40 27 3 : Resolution 11 4 4 : Triggering Event 35 9 6 Social Presence 104 38 1 : Emotional Expression 7 8 2 : Group Cohesion 47 20 17 3 : Open Communication 50 10 13 Teaching Presence 31 19 1 : Building Understanding 24 2 2 : Direct Instruction 3 : Instructional Management 5
Table 2: Quantitation of the elements of the Community of Inquiry within course discourse by user (partial list only). Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Instructor Cognitive Presence 21 22 39 3 1 : Exploration 8 4 9 1 2 : Integration 10 17 25 3 : Resolution 4 : Triggering Event 5 2 Social Presence 14 29 1 : Emotional Expression 2 : Group Cohesion 6 16 3 : Open Communication Teaching Presence 60 1 : Building Understanding 45 2 : Direct Instruction 3 : Instructional Management 12
Results Qualitative Results - Themes Current Data Usage Both faculty indicated that regular and disciplined access and activity in response to the data captured in the LMS was a part of their existing practice. Both faculty have never performed additional data analysis on the data provided in Moodle. Data access and monitoring activities are based on log data and discussion forum discourse only.
Results Qualitative Results - Themes Data Representations The discourse analysis based on the Community of Inquiry were a new way for faculty to see the discourse. One participant mentioned that she could recognize a number of her students based on these elements. Each iteration of the course showed similar patterns of interaction as well as committed participation, in terms of the types of presence outlined in the Community of Inquiry framework, by the vast majority of users. Representations of the LMS data presented to participants were not found to be in an ideal form. Participants expressed that they “had some trouble” making sense of it at first, and had the impression that the tables were “repetitive”. Each participant requested different modifications to the representations.
Results Qualitative Results - Themes Teacher Practice Some explanations surfaced for the wide variation in individual student activity. In terms of teacher practice, one prominent characteristic that was noted was the provision of flexibility to students who needed it (Skype calls, audio journaling, outreach)
Results Qualitative Results - Themes Course Design and Data Capture Participants were eager to discuss planned course activities occurring beyond the LMS such as group work and correspondence between faculty and student via email, Skype, etc.
Results Qualitative Results - Themes Technology Choice Most assigned group work was not captured in the LMS, even though group space was provided in the LMS. This affordance of technology choice spills over to teacher practice as well, with alternative technologies to those in the LMS being chosen due to a perceived benefit when compared to what is available in Moodle.
Results Summary with respect to the research questions Challenges: Participants were able to identify promising insights/strategies that LA support would afford. Within the CoI theoretical framework, a student’s total presence and presence profile in discourse was perceived to be more indicative of student participation in the learning community than the easier to access and widely used log count. Faculty recognized that LA can be used to reflect on the teacher’s leadership role in the establishment of the CoI. The learning design strategy can also be iteratively monitored with LA. Challenges: - superficial current use of Moodle log data -the desire to expand data capture across various platforms One strategy suggestion from this exercise is to move away from the use of superficial log data and monitor/evaluate student engagement using theory-grounded analytics paired with qualitative interpretation by the teacher. Note - preliminary questionnaire: teachers ranked two sources of decision support for iterative course improvements above all others. They were design and pedagogy literature and experience and intuition. This insight reveals a natural link that LA can realize by explicitly using course data to demonstrate, document, experiment or share design and pedagogy choice along with the teacher’s actions along the way. Leadership: The use of LA for this purpose promises to not only strengthen the teacher’s practice in their role, but has the potential to advance understanding of the CoI in general. LD strategy: Data from course activity linked to learning design elements reveals where students are spending their time and efforts, which can be used as a baseline for future changes. Post-change course data can then be assessed for intended or unintended effects. Challenges: An onerous task for any busy faculty member, this challenge can be addressed by the provision of custom analytics support.
Discussion Providing raw data to faculty Crude data resulted in superficial use. Learning design visualizations Faculty interpretation provided much more useful information about student activity than simply relating student activity to due dates. Log Counts Literature indicates wide usage. This study showed recurring trends in user activity profiles Overall, this information was not useful for faculty Incomplete Data Capture Most learner activity was not recorded in the LMS at all. Raw data – we can do more than simple counting LD visualizations: -Spikes and dips in activity not corresponding to a due date -Steady decline of logged activity as the course progressed Data capture incomplete -Simple; Minimal technical knowledge or time investment Log Counts has been linked to predictions of student engagement and success in many simple and large-scale studies. (See, for example, Morris et al, 2005; MacFadyen & Dawson, 2010, Zhou & Winnie, 2012, Kang, Liw, Kim & Park, 2014.) Trends: High activity counts for the teacher(s). Similar activity profiles among student users. Large user differences in total activity. Group work, external communications, readings, research and all assignment production was external to both courses. Siemens (2013) supports the notion that data collection beyond the LMS is increasingly required to effectively capture the collaborative and varied learning paths that students choose.
Discussion Data Visualizations When visualized data from their courses was simply presented to faculty, the impact in terms of new insight was minimal. Faculty had no prior input towards which constructs would be used to produce the visualizations. With minimal understanding of the data construction process, faculty participants did not recognize much new information in the data visualizations taken from their courses. Both faculty expressed the desire for clearer and more customized data visualizations. LMS visualizations alone results in weak or ineffective use (Gašević et al, 2015). The data did reveal extensive detail of student activity in relation to course design, teacher activity and the dynamics of establishing and maintaining the CoI presences. Teachers should be involved from the beginning to co-construct data representations (McKenney & Mor, 2015; Bakharia et al, 2016). -iterate -new teachers -inform theory and emerging pedagogies The production of the representations provided to faculty in this study were laborious and time-consuming. Persico and Pozzi (2015): faculty need analytics support if they are going to exploit LMS data beyond the very basic form currently available, and this support will vary depending upon the pedagogical approaches of the course and the teacher’s inquiry.
Summary Teacher insight revealed: There is importance placed on course data as a valuable tool in teacher practice, both in a monitoring and reflective capacity Superficial use of log count data is the only form of course data currently utilized LA developments, specifically CoI and LD grounding, have the potential to drastically increase the utility of this same data Teachers requested customized, theory and design-grounded data representations that are linked to their goals within the individual course Data gathered from the LMS and analyzed quantitatively required the teacher’s qualitative interpretation. The Community of Inquiry model neatly intersected course design and teacher practice. The courses aligned well to the CoI frame; possibly use data for evaluation of student engagement and intricacies of teacher leadership. Natural next step for participants: open up their practice paired with data – share experiences; form a community of practice (team teaching, mentorship, shared innovation; accelerate the practice of novice teachers). Visualizations: It is important to note that the predetermined data visualizations presented to faculty in this study did not have much impact on the faculty’s understanding of their course structure or their practice. Teacher Interpretation: Much of the activity timelines, individual user variation and the CoI dynamics were explained only when the teacher’s reflections were incorporated into the analysis. More sophisticated applications of LA seemed a natural next step. – Accelerate innovation. Bottom line – it’s complicated; contextual; social; dynamic;
Conclusion Learning data collections are rich, contextual and social Generalizing mass sets of data does not help a teacher in the context of their day-to-day decision support except in a crude way. LA allows dynamic complexities to be captured and shared; opening up the possibility to advance new and evolving pedagogies. In order for teachers to exploit this opportunity, custom analytics support is necessary. The LA process of this study highlights many elements of the online learning experience such as: flexibility in technologies activities and timing (learning design) the teacher’s leadership clear and open communication, and a well-defined course design.
Recommendations Qualitative interpretation of analytics at the course level Custom, on-demand analytics support for faculty Expand data capture; define a user friendly process to access Future research: data- and theory-grounded, teacher driven innovation within the framework: Explore do reflect change share repeat Rather than mass collection and diluted analysis of large quantitative data sets, smaller, more specific and well-defined contexts can be looked at in great detail. Gašević, Dawson, Rogers and Gasevic (2016) study the extent to which instructional conditions influence predictions of academic success and caution that generalized models miss this important parameter. Image:
Handy Reading Schlater, N. (2017). Learning Analytics Explained. Routledge. ISBN 1317394550. (preview) Lang, C., Siemens, G., Wise, A. & Gašević, D. (2017). Handbook of Learning Analytics – First Edition. ISBN: 978-0-9952408-0-3 DOI: 10.18608/hla17 (download here) Niall Schlater – experienced, (Open University); brings a critical eye to claims of efficacy. Lang et al – A comprehensive snapshot of the research and challenges. First chapter – theory and LA “from clicks to constructs”
Resources Automated tools for Discourse Analysis – some examples Coh-Metrix Text Ease and Readability Assessor (T.E.R.A.) Text cohesion: "Our definition of cohesion consists of characteristics of the explicit text that play some role in helping the reader mentally connect ideas in the text" (Graesser, McNamara, & Louwerse, 2003). Cohere Visual tool for connecting ideas, resources, arguments SNAPP (Social Networks Adapting Pedagogical Practices) With respect to discourse analysis specifically, there exist several automated discourse analysis tools that may be deployed to support teachers in this regard. Most notable to the context of this study are Coh-Metrix (Graesser, McNamara & Kulikowich, 2011) and Cohere (Buckingham Shum & Ferguson, 2012), as well as social learning analytics concepts, as described in Ferguson & Buckingham Shum (2012), such as SNAPP (Bahkaria & Dawson, 2011).
A Few References.. Bakharia, A., Corrin, L., de Barba, P., Kennedy, G., Gašević, D., Mulder, R., Williams, D., Dawson, S. & Lockyer, L. (2016). A conceptual framework linking learning design with learning analytics. LAK ’16 Conference Proceedings: The Sixth International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, pp 329-338. Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2000). Critical inquiry in text-based environments: Computer conferencing in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 2(2-3), 87–105. Gašević, D., Dawson, S., Rogers, T. & Gasevic, D. (2016). Learning analytics should not promote one size fits all: the effects of instructional conditions in predicting academic success. The Internet and Higher Education 28, 68– 84. Kovanović, V., Gašević, D., Joksimović, S., Hatala, M. & Adesope, O. (2015). Analytics of communities of inquiry: Effects of learning technology use on cognitive presence in asynchronous online discussions. 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