Raising standards by reducing absence and improving punctuality ISP attendance resource Using the school improvement cycle and core elements Raising standards by reducing absence and improving punctuality Pupil progress meetings Provide teachers with attendance data for pupils Monitor and evaluate the impact of current strategies Address barriers to learning The school improvement cycle Schools are responsible for their own improvement. The termly ISP cycle supports school improvement and school self-evaluation, with pupil progress at its centre. There is a clear link between low absence rates and good progress. All of the core elements within the cycle need to be in place to ensure improvement. The regular analysis and response to absence data at whole-school, cohort/class and individual pupil level by the school leadership is essential to ensure that vulnerable pupils make good progress. Many schools use this information as part of their school self-evaluation and include a summary within their self-evaluation form (SEF). Tracking Whole-school and cohort absence data to identify pupils at risk Analysis of progress data for pupils with an absence rate higher than 5% Levels of persistent absence from pupils (20% or more absence) Involvement of LA team e.g. EWO, social services, B&A consultants, AWA Ensuring all staff are aware of pupils who have high absence rates The single plan Ensures the school attendance target is clearly identified and shared with all staff Inclusion of wider children’s services Specific success criteria related to improved attendance Develops links with other stakeholders, including parents and carers Communication with governors Termly review of attendance data to evaluate the impact of actions taken to reduce absence MC and SG to write this together. An explicit focus on learning and teaching Quality First Teaching is the entitlement of every pupil Intervention strategies are used appropriately Teachers know which pupils need to improve attendance rates to ensure good progress Planning takes into account individual pupils who may need catch-up to ensure they make good progress Adult resources are deployed appropriately to support the progress of all pupils A rich curriculum is planned and delivered creatively, motivating and engaging all learners Whole-school systematic CPD Engagement of whole-school staff in the SEAL materials Clear understanding of the school procedures on attendance