Recruitment and Retention of the Nursing Workforce Marichu L. Selby RN, BSN Florida Atlantic University NGR 6725
Recruitment and Retention of the nursing workforce Recruitment - the process of actively seeking out or attracting applicants for existing positions and should be an ongoing process. (Finkler, Kovner & Jones, 2013 ) Retention - the ability of organization to retain it’s employees, only occurs when the organization is able to create an environment where nurses wants to stay. (Anderson, Lushman, Money & Stevens, 2016)
The relationship Between Recruitment and Retention Recruitment, is not the key to adequate staffing in the long term - retention is. Some turnover is normal and in fact desirable. Turnover infuses the organization with fresh ideas. However, excessive or unnecessary turnover reduces the ability of the organization to produce end product and is expensive. (Marquis & Huston, 2017)
Replacement cost for an RN typically ranges from $36,000 to $64,000 A small organization with 150 nurses and a turnover rate of 25%, would cost $1.125 million per year. Even small decrease in turnover, can result in big savings. For example, every 1% reduction in turnover, the same facility could save $300,000 per year. (Marquis & Huston, 2017)
Factors that can influence nurses to leave their job: job satisfaction autonomy and control over practice decisions work environment manager support the technologies and support services available to them career advancement opportunities salary and benefits offered by the organization (Finkler, Kovner & Jones, 2013 )
Nurse managers directly and indirectly influence nurse and patient outcomes. The quality of the work environment influences nurse and patient outcomes. Nurse manager leadership is associated with multiple work environment mediators across unit types. Autonomy and professional development are the work environment mediators that exert the most influence on nurse outcomes. Autonomy, appropriate staffing and teamwork are the work environment mediators that exert the most influence on patient outcomes. The primary drivers of outcomes differ across unit type, both in number and in rank order. (2017 Press Ganey Nursing Special Report)
Four Measures that Are Key to Retaining Nurses Reduce overtime. Practice shared governance programs. Implement data-driven staffing. Develop quality-of-life initiatives. (Kerfoot, 2015)
Helpful solutions for nurse leaders to apply and master, to promote staff retention promoting a healthy environment promoting work engagement learn and apply Emotional Intelligence (EI) to the work environment transformational leadership becoming a coach leader
The investment that a nurse leader makes in becoming a skilled coach as part of their leadership role can have a profound influence on the engagement and retention of staff. (Sherman, 2017)
References Anderson, K., Lushman, B., Money, R., & Stevens, I. (2016). Nurse Retention. Retrieved from Codier, E., Kamikawa, C. & Kooker, B.M. (2011). The impact of emotional intelligence development on nurse managers. Nursing Administration Quarterly 35(3), 270-276. Finkler, S., Kovner, C., Jones, C. (2013). Financial Management for Nurse Managers and Executives, 4th Edition. Elsevier Health Sciences. Hilton, H. & Sherman, R.O. (2017). Promoting work engagement: One medical center's journey. Nurse Leader, 13(6), 52-57. Kerfoot, K. (2015). Four Measures that Are Key to Retaining Nurses. Retrieved from Marquis, B.L and Huston, C.J. (2017) Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (9th Edition). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health.
References (n.d.) [Management and staff nurse shaking hands. Retrieved from Sherman, R. (2017). The Leader Coach. Nurse Leader 15(3), 154-155. Weberg, D. (2010). Transformational Leadership and Staff Retention: An Evidence Review With Implications for Healthcare Systems. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 34(3) 246-258. 2017 Press Ganey Nursing Special Report. (2017). Retrieved from file:///Users/marichuselby/Downloads/2017%20Press%20Gainey%20Study%20on%20I mpact%20of%20Nurse%20Managers.pdf. [happy nurses image]. Retrieved from content/uploads/2014/05/Celebrate-001.jpg. [Stressed out nurse image]. Retrieved from content/uploads/stress2.jpg.