Librarian as Candidate / Building voter support for libraries Librarian as Candidate / Library as Cause #MSLib2017 - Workshop John Chrastka, EveryLibrary @mrchrastka | @everylibrary
First Nationwide PAC for Libraries 63 Campaigns and 46 Win $220+ million in stable tax funding 18 State School Associations and ESSA Donor funded = Pro-Bono support for libraries *
Voter Data that Frames Our Discussion “From Awareness to Funding” says… @everylibrary Building voter support for libraries
Voter Attitudes 37% will Definitely vote yes for the library 37% will Probably vote yes for the library 26% will Probably or Definitely vote no or may vote either way. - “From Awareness to Funding” OCLC 2008
Library Use Does Not Matter A voter’s willingness to support increased library funding is not driven, or limited, by library use. - OCLC "From Awareness to Funding" p. 7-2 @everylibrary Building voter support for libraries
Library as Transformative Force [T]he library is not perceived as just a provider of practical answers and information; the most committed supporters hold the belief that the library is a transformational force. - OCLC "From Awareness to Funding" p. 7-4 @everylibrary Building voter support for libraries
Attitude - Not Demographics The factors that determine residents’ willingness to increase their taxes to support their local library are their perceptions and attitudes about the library and the librarian. - OCLC "From Awareness to Funding" p. 7-3 @everylibrary Building voter support for libraries
Perception of the Librarian(s) [Voters] recognize the value of a ‘passionate librarian’ as a true advocate for lifelong learning. - OCLC "From Awareness to Funding" p. 7-4 Building voter support for libraries
7 Factors that Activates Voters A Reason to Vote Mobilized Personal Contact with Candidate or Issue* Culture/Tradition/Habit of Voting* Trust in Government Decided to Vote Weather/Access to Polls Building voter support for libraries
What Activates Voters for a Library Measure? The Librarian is the Candidate The Library is the Incumbent Library = Librarians + Community @everylibrary
What Motivates Activists? 02/27/13 What Motivates Activists? An Identified Need Personal Motivation Experience of the Issue* Prior Success as an Advocate* Institutional Reputation Made a Pledge Ease of Access to Advocacy Tools Building voter support for libraries
Activate in Either Context 02/27/13 Activate in Either Context VOTERS: A Reason to Vote Mobilization Personal Contact with Candidate* Culture/Tradition/Habit of Voting* Trust in Government (pro or con) Decided to Vote Weather/Access to Polls ACTIVISTS: An Identified Need Personal Motivation Experience of the Issue* Prior Success as Activist* Institutional Reputation Made a Pledge Ease of Access to Tools
Run “As” or “Against” the Incumbent “As” = New Funding Extends Success “Against” = New Funding Fixes Problems The Library’s record will be considered, but isn’t the only factor in the race Building voter support for libraries
The Librarian as Candidate Applied Political Theory Building voter support for libraries
How Candidates “Surface” 02/27/13 How Candidates “Surface” Write the book Tell their story Be seen as an expert Start an Exploratory Team Get endorsed Launch their Campaign @everylibrary
2016 Candidates Books
*What is Your Book? Strategic Plan Management Plan 02/27/13 *What is Your Book? Strategic Plan Management Plan Service/Programs/Collections Plan Fundraising Goals Financials and Fiduciary @everylibrary Building voter support for libraries
Writing a “Better Book” Change the way you do community surveys. Ask Questions about staff and not just about institutions. Ask Question to non-users as much as you ask users. Non-users have a perception of value but no current experience. Building voter support for libraries
Best Practices for a Better Book Field questions in ways that breakthrough the “4th wall”. Oversample non-users. Go to their homes; Go door-to-door and to unusual places; Locations where non-majority or non-privileged pops congregate. Building voter support for libraries
Meet the Candidate Tell Me About You Building voter support for libraries
How Voters Relate to Candidates Does the candidate share the values that matter most to me (voter), and do they care about people like me? (Shared Values) Can I trust the candidate to represent me faithfully? (Shared Identity) Does the candidate have the personal qualities that lead me to believe that they will do right by my values and interests? (Personal Characteristics) If there is an issue I care about, what is the candidate’s stand on it and can I trust them to think about it and make a decision which I would probably make if I had all the information they’ll have? (Predictability) -The Political Brain, p. 140
How Voters (People) Relate to Candidates (People) Shared Values - Do they care about people like me? Shared Identity - Trust that the candidate is representing my concerns. Personal Characteristics - Qualities as a Person Predictability - About Policy and Competencies -The Political Brain, p. 140
What do Good Candidates Know? Your vision for the community is the only story to tell Every campaign is a cause You will either have more money than people, or more people than money Issues are advanced and Elections are won through coalitions Endorsements create legitimacy Proxies who to speak for the candidate are necessary Building voter support for libraries
Meet the Candidate Worksheet Building voter support for libraries
Guiding Principle: Dread Pirate Roberts
Causes Bring People Together Libraries are a Cause
The Campaign is Always a Cause Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago? - Reagan 1980 It's Morning Again in America - Reagan 1984 Putting People First / It's the economy, stupid - Clinton 1992 Building a Bridge to the 21st Century - Clinton 1996 Compassionate Conservatism - Bush (W) 2000 A Safer World and a More Hopeful America - Bush (W) 2004 Hope/Change - Obama 2008 Forward - Obama 2012
All Elections are won by Coalitions * Building voter support for libraries *
Coalition 101 Common Cause? Common Concern? Shared Values Framework Never 100% overlap or you should just merge *
Coalition 101 Confusing ‘project partners’ with coalition partners Confusing ‘sponsors’ with ‘coalition partners’ Confusing ‘should be partners’ with ‘actually are partners’ *
Power Mapping Who Else Cares?
*Power Mapping
Who Cares about Education? 02/27/13 Who Cares about Education? 1. Educational Partners Pre-K and K-12 College/University For-Profit Tutoring Private/Public After-School Programs Three Messages: Library as Educational Partner, Library as Resource Extender, Library as Gap Filler Building voter support for libraries
Who Cares about the Same Populations? 02/27/13 Who Cares about the Same Populations? 2. Social Welfare and Religious Partners Counseling Centers Food Pantry / WIC Jobs Training Center Literacy Centers Youth Oriented Human Services Three Messages: Library as Resource Extender, Library as Third Place, Library as Start Point Building voter support for libraries
Who Cares What Your Tax Rate is? 02/27/13 Who Cares What Your Tax Rate is? 3. Governmental Partners Parks and Recc Public Safety – Police and Fire Public Works Public Employee Unions Tribal Government Transit and Development Three Messages: Library as Contact Place, Library as Info Point, Library in Common Cause Building voter support for libraries
Who Wants to Change the World a Bit? 02/27/13 Who Wants to Change the World a Bit? 4. Civic Partners Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis Military Family Support Heritage and Local History GLBT, Immigrant and New Resident Arts & Culture Environment and Livable Communities Three Messages: Library as Social Leveler, Library as Neutral Good, Library as [insert organizational cause the library already champions] Building voter support for libraries
Who Doesn’t Know about Libraries? 02/27/13 Who Doesn’t Know about Libraries? 5. Business Partners Local Chamber / CVB Startups and Entrepreneurs Small Businesses – Service or Retail Big Civilian Employers & Military Realtors Three Messages: Librarian as Business Reference Resource, Library as Training Space, Library as Retail Anchor Building voter support for libraries
Who has Constituents? 6. Politicians Incumbents Insurgents 02/27/13 Who has Constituents? 6. Politicians Incumbents Insurgents City / County / State / Federal Three Messages: Library as Good Governance, Library as Responsible with Budget, Library as [insert their pet project] Building voter support for libraries
Who Needs to Hear it First? 02/27/13 Who Needs to Hear it First? 7. Media and Local Networks Print, Radio and TV Social Media Groups Bloggers Networkers, Connectors (Gossips) Key Messaging is always your campaign themes and talking points Building voter support for libraries
Worksheet - Conversation Power Mapping Worksheet - Conversation
Keep it Relevant
It’s not about features.... Building Your Message It’s not about features....
What Activates People for Library Funding Is the reason for the tax - and process to get there - legitimate? Is there a difference between Plan A and Plan B? Where is my money going? and Who is spending my money?
Talk about Plan B and not just Plan A Plan A = What Happens if it is Funded Plan B = What Happens if it is Not Proving the negative is hard Addressing the shortfall or status quo is really difficult
Plan A / B Frames We have a plan that... Is basic - needs stability Is aspirational - needs growth Is integral - advances several missions The community needs the library to…. Partner Incubators Leverage Building voter support for libraries
Remember – Use Does Not Matter To Library Users: “As you know...” Personal Value Proposition Value for Other Activation as a Voter To Non-Users: “As you can imagine...” Value to/for “Other” Satisfaction as a Voter Building voter support for libraries
What Activates “Maybe” Voters? Is the reason for the tax - and process behind it - legitimate? Is there a difference between Plan A and Plan B? Where is my money going? and Who is spending my money?
Is the reason and process legitimate? How you came up with the plan Who participated in the planning Did you have outside help *They will not participate or help, necessarily
“Who” is as Important as “Where” Where is my money going? Not just features but outcomes Numbers do in fact tell this story Who is spending my money? The expert librarians need it to do their jobs; or, We need more expert librarians to do it.
“Perception of the Librarian” Nothing Impacts Voter Behavior More than Their Perception of the Librarian and the Library as Institution. @everylibrary Building voter support for libraries
“The Passionate Librarian” We are the Librarians who…. … find a job … learn to read … connect with family Let me tell you about my librarians…. Building voter support for libraries
Message Box – Make Assumptions How to talk about your funding with people / orgs who (should) care
Message Box Exercise
Message Box Exercise Classic marketing and outreach technique that is used for both “positive message development” and as a way to “anticipate opposition” Forms the basis for successful 1st Contact with potential allies and coalition partners Roots your message in shared values and shared identity ‘Connects the dots’ for the unaware but potentially interested
Message Box Exercise - How to In relation to each grouping of allies or each ally individually, ask yourself these questions and record your answers: What do we say about ourselves (in relation to potential partner or stakeholder)? What do they say about themselves (about their primary area of concern)? What do we say about them (what is our perception of their effectiveness or not)? What do they say about us (if anything)?
Message Box Worksheets
Message Box in Action Why do we want to talk to them? What we say about them What they say about themselves What we say about ourselves What they say about us
27-9-3 Examples Relevant and Succinct
Develop relevant values-based messaging Write ‘three key messages’ and 27-9-3 to draft values-based messaging for stakeholders (internal and external) Define how your main project theme is an expression of your values as an educator and a librarian. Develop “Three Key Messages” that are mapped to your agenda and are ‘must deliver messages’ to that potential partner or stakeholder
Develop relevant values-based messaging Write a 27-9-3 to draft values-based messaging for that stakeholder C. ‘Reduce’ your shared value and shared identity down to 27 words that can be delivered in 9 seconds and contain no more than 3 concepts (27-9-3)
Example 27 - 9 - 3 Educational Partners KRL is a partner with parents and teachers to prepare children for school and to extend the school day through independent learning and discovery. Three Key Messages: We help extend budgets We do after-school (safe place and extend the curriculum) well We want to be collaborative
e.g. 27 - 9 - 3 Social Welfare Partners KRL connects with local social service providers to break down barriers, improve the quality of life and broaden opportunities for the city’s most vulnerable citizens Three Key Messages: Social leveler, esp for certain populations We can be a vehicle for furthering their mission We are essential to their success We try to be excellent partners
e.g. 27 - 9 - 3 Business Partners KRL builds a stronger economy by supporting people looking for their first, next, or best job through trainings, databases, and networks. Three Key Messages: Workforce Development Access to resources Internet and computer access Business reference Retail anchor
27-9-3 Examples Worksheet
Three Axes of Political Communications Refining Your Message Three Axes of Political Communications
Political Communication Models My heroes are people who have stood up for the underprivileged. The people I cannot stand are the people who are indifferent to the oppression of women, minorities, and the poor. My heroes are people who have stood up for Western values. The people I cannot stand are the people who are indifferent to the assault on the moral virtues and traditions that are the foundation for our civilization. My heroes are people who have stood up for individual rights. The people I cannot stand are the people who are indifferent to government taking away people’s ability to make their own choices. Kling, Arnold. The Three Languages of Politics: Talking Across the Political Divides.
Political Communication Models Progressive My heroes are people who have stood up for the underprivileged. The people I cannot stand are the people who are indifferent to the oppression of women, minorities, and the poor. Conservative My heroes are people who have stood up for Western values. The people I cannot stand are the people who are indifferent to the assault on the moral virtues and traditions that are the foundation for our civilization. Libertarian My heroes are people who have stood up for individual rights. The people I cannot stand are the people who are indifferent to government taking away people’s ability to make their own choices. Kling, Arnold. The Three Languages of Politics: Talking Across the Political Divides. Building voter support for libraries
Three Axes Model in Practice (P) Story of Chondria and the inequitable barrier of service that hits hardest those among us who can afford it least. (L) Families who could not afford to use the library come back – when these kids acquire vocabulary and build literacy skills, it makes it more likely that they will be better prepared for the job market, have more choice in their careers, and make it less likely that they will be incarcerated, or be consumers of government assistance such as food stamps or welfare. (C) And we will hold people responsible… If they don’t return the books, they will be billed. Building voter support for libraries
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