Employability Survey Ewa Wietsma Wageningen University, NL Joint Conference EU – Central Asia: Erasmus Mundus Partnerships impact on Central Asia, 14 -18 May 2017, Almaty, Kazakhstan Ewa Wietsma Wageningen University, NL
Central Asia Student International Academic exchange with EU (CASIA) GA 2010-5015 Call for proposals EACEA № 22/10 GA 2011-2579 Call for proposals EACEA № 41/10 GA 2012-2629 Call for proposals EACEA № 42/11 25 January till 25 February 2016 251 invited 149 complete survey feedbacks
Objectives In 2015, at the end of the CASIA I project, a survey was conducted to evaluate the outcomes, quality of implementation and collect feedback for further mobility schemes’ improvement. The results showed a short-term impact of the project and evaluation of its implementation. To estimate longer–term effects of the project in terms of employability and career development of the grantees, CASIA alumni were asked to participate in an online survey, aimed at discerning current occupation of the grantees and potential benefits of the project on their career perspectives and professional development.
Field of study/research of grantees within the project
GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 1. The impact of the project on employability and career development of the grantees was significant and positive. (improved professional skills, improved possibilities to get another scholarship)
GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 2. The majority of grantees are either studying or working in their home countries with the obtained specialization during the CASIA mobility, although most of them wish to have better-paid jobs.
Distribution of current grantees occupation
GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 3. There are few unemployed, mainly because of reapplying for a new degree. This is mostly related to the students from Uzbekistan who are eligible for applying to TIMUR Project
Distribution of reasons for unemployment Answer option Countries Gender Total Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Uzbekistan M F I cannot work due to family marital conditions 1 I am having difficulties at finding any job in home country 2 3 4 I just got married and my environment has difficulties with me in a working place I am applying for a new degree 6 9 There are no jobs in the surroundings where I live I am having difficulties at finding a specialty-related job in home country 5 7 I have just obtained degree I am having difficulties at finding a job in host country I will start working after raising children The obtained foreign diploma is not recognized at home country My spouse earns enough, so I like to stay at home I have currently taken a leave from work (maternity/paternity) Other 8
GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 4. Only small number of grantees have problem with the foreign degree recognition in their home countries (grantees from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan). The overwhelming majority informed that their degree is easily recognized and some do not know because they are not working yet. (Obtained degree allowed to apply for next level of education)
GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 5. Grantees wish to have continuation of the Project with: revision of selection and application procedure (including interview in person), extension of staff mobility period Creation of e-site for dialogue between European and Central Asian scientists, Helping to improve scientific research at home universities, Organization of workshop for networking, creation of guidance/manual/orientation for new comers to host universities, help finding/offer internship for long-term mobilities