Teaching Mathematics to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students: A Few Best Practices at the Secondary Level DeafTEC is supported by the National Science Foundation under award number DUE -1104229
Cooperative Learning Groups Ideas for mixed groups of hearing and Deaf/HH students in a college math course http://deaftec.org/resources/math/cooperative-learning-groups
Instructor Resources: Word Problem Analysis The “Form” Activity- post a problem Use the form http://deaftec.org/resources/math/links
Voice Thread Web-based application that allows you to have group conversations around images, documents, and videos Activity http://www.voicethread.com
Dictionaries ASL Math dictionaries http://www.tsdvideo.org/ Illustrated Math dictionaries https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18588361/Misc/Illustrated%20Maths%20Dictionary%204th.pdf Vocabulary A-Z http://www.vocabularya-z.com Discussion
Math Video Resources Mathematical procedures written out numerically and explained in ASL (captioned) Discussion http://deaftec.org/resources/math/self-instruction
Last but not the least… Document Camera (ELMO or Ladibug) Notes (Powerpoint) Interactive board (SMARTBoard or E-Beam) Laptops Whiteboard (Wall sized or pocket size) Others??
DeafTEC website http://deaftec.org/resources/math Updates- http://edeafmath.blogspot.com/