SUPPLIERS INVOLVEMENT (Some) Suppliers seek more involvement in IAQG Suppliers involvement is organized at Sector’s level : (Europe,Americas,Asia-Pacific) Ways to improve this involvement: - full membership (at sector or IAQG level) - participation in Working Groups - participation though NTAs and AECMA (in Europe) PARIS, APRIL 2004
SUPPLIERS INVOLVEMENT FULL MEMBERSHIP The IAQG Charter says : « The IAQG membership is made up of major aerospace companies who carry out the design, development, manufacture and support of original equipment at system or subsystem level, and the Trade Associations and their related bodies created by those aerospace companies ». This definition is flexible enough. Full membership goes along with rights (Ex: participate to Council Meetings) and obligations (Ex: Implement Standards and report with metrics). PARIS, APRIL 2004
SUPPLIERS INVOLVEMENT PARTICIPATION IN WORKING GROUPS Even if they are not full members of IAQG, suppliers are welcome to apply to participate to its Working Groups (through sectors). WG leaders have the final word regarding non-members participation, based mainly on the size of their group (which must remain manageable) and on the potential input of the candidate supplier. PARIS, APRIL 2004
SUPPLIERS INVOLVEMENT SUPPLIERS PROPOSALS for NEW INITIATIVES Suppliers proposals can be made through IAQG members (Companies or NTAs). Proposals must be in line with IAQG Strategy and follow Procedure 101. Suppliers proposals more welcome when they come along with a Business Case (Expected Savings among the Supply Chain, IAQG to provide expected implementation costs of the proposed initiative). PARIS, APRIL 2004
Supplier Involvement In Paris (Apr. 04) the following principles were submitted to Council: Suppliers involvement is organized at sector’s level. IAQG membership should be encouraged when it fits with the IAQG Charter and the sectorial rules governing membership & fees. Suppliers participation to WGs is subject to the agreement of the WG leader. Each Sector will nominate one or several points of contact to direct candidate suppliers to WGs leaders. Following the creation of Strategic workstreams and additional inputs from the WT, a more accurate set of principles can now be proposed: Beijing , oct. 04
Suppliers Involvement Suppliers involvement is organized in sector’s level IAQG membership should be encouraged when it fits the IAQG Charter and the sectorial rules governing membership and fees Whenever a SMEs representation exists at sector level, a liaison will be established between this SME representation and the IAQG Sectorial Team (EAQG, AAQG, APAQG) The list of Strategic Streams leaders (global and by sector) will be accessible on the IAQG public website Suppliers wishing to be involved in one of the initiatives related to one of the 6 stream will contact the corresponding sectorial strategic stream leader The leader of the WG in charge of the initiative will remain free to accept or not newcomers (to keep the population of this WG manageable) Beijing , oct. 04
Improvement Stream Leaders PARIS, APRIL 2004
Suppliers Involvement THANK YOU Beijing ,oct 04