The Mental Wellbeing of Children and Young People Dr Karen Newbigging Health Services Management Centre September 5th 2017
Children and young people aged 0-17 make up 21 Children and young people aged 0-17 make up 21.3% of people living in the West Midlands Birmingham is a youthful and ethnically diverse city with 45.7% of the population under 30 and 42% from a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic community It is estimated that 9.8% of 5-16 year olds have a mental health condition 50% of mental illness in adult life (excluding dementia) starts before age 15 and 75% by the age 18 Supporting children , young people, parents and families and key organisations, particularly school and workplace settings makes good sense
Individual, social, public sector and economic The costs of not doing: Individual, social, public sector and economic 12.6 billion, approx. £3,100 per head Rising numbers of people detained under the MH Act Particular groups underserved Life course and generational impact Source: Newbigging and Parsonage (2017). Mental Health in the West Midlands Combined Authority
For example: In mid-2014 there were 53,367 children aged 0-1 in the WMCA There is a high prevalence of perinatal depression and anxiety This can have an adverse impact on the wellbeing of mothers and compromise the healthy emotional, behavioural, cognitive and even physical development of children The risks of adverse developmental consequences are roughly doubled as a result of perinatal mental health problems It is estimated that the average long-term cost to society of one case of perinatal depression is around £74,000 In the WMCA, for a one year cohort of births, the total long-term cost of perinatal depression and anxiety are estimated at around £0.55 billion
Strengthening the focus on children and young people in the West Midlands West Midlands Thrive University of Birmingham Mental Health Commission Institute for Mental Health Academic Health Sciences Network Development of Forward Thinking Birmingham Prevention Concordat
Risk factors for poor mental health for children and young people Socioeconomic deprivation Homelessness Abuse and neglect Being in care Being a carer Severe and multiple disadvantage Being a member of a minority group: BAME, LGBTQ, living with a disability Looked after children Adverse Childhood Events
What do we need to do? Address social inequalities – initiatives to tackle social disadvantage Focus on children, start with parents and families in the early years Ensure a positive context for social and emotional development in schools Intervene early with children and young people showing signs of poor mental health, including conduct and behaviour disorders Provide services that are youth friendly and involve children and young people in their development Target those children and young people most at risk
Implications for the voluntary sector in the West Midlands Campaign together to tackle the conditions for poor mental health and for better support for children and young people Closeness to children, young people and communities to co-produce solutions Distinctive role in developing youth friendly services – a holistic, non-stigmatised approach Develop a broad offer and target ‘at risk groups’
What sorts of activities? Mental health awareness raising for communities, school and workplaces Easy access spaces providing a range of support for parents and/or children and young people Crisis support Advocacy and promoting rights Peer support Employment support Initiatives to build resilience and help young people address personal challenges Support with housing Building financial resilience and advice on welfare rights Gender specific, ethnically specific or for LGBTQ people Support for single parents, young carers Horticulture/ sports initiates targeted at young people who might not access services Creative activates – writing, mucus, Counselling, stress and anxiety management Recovery-oriented courses: coping with anxiety, depression, building self-confidence, anger management, mindfulness and lacking sleep problems Suicide prevention training
Thank you Karen Newbigging email: twitter: @NewbiggingKaren