Urinary system Medical Terminology
OBJECTIVES At the end of this chapter students should be able to: 1.Label a diagram of the urinary system and follow the flow of urine through the body. 2. Describe the major disorders of the urinary system. 3. Define medical terms commonly used in reference to the urinary tract.
Combining forms Combining form Meaning Ur/o Urine Ureter/o Ureter Cyst/o – Vesic/o Urinary bladder Urethr/o Urethra Ren/o – Nephr/o Kidney Lith/o Stone Pyel/o Renal pelvis
Prefixes Prefix Meaning Oligo- Few - Little Poly- Many - Much Dys- Painful - Difficult
Suffixes Suffix Meaning -stomy Create an opening -osis Abnormal condition -tripsy Crushing - Destroying -tomy Incision
Medical terms related to the urinary system Definition Urinary Pertaining to organs, structures & ducts by which urine is produced & discharged, including kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, & urethra Urology Study of male & female urinary systems & their diseases Urography X-ray examination used to evaluate the kidneys, ureters & urinary bladder, after administration of radiographic contrast material
Medical term Definition Urine Urinalysis A waste product made in kidneys The kidneys pass urine to ureters & then urinary bladder to be collected & expelled through the urethra Urinalysis Is a test to evaluate urine It involves examining the appearance, concentration & content of urine
Medical term Definition Ureters Ureterostomy Urinary bladder Are 2 tubes that take urine from the kidneys into the urinary bladder Ureterostomy Creation of a new opening in the ureter, away from the urinary bladder Urinary bladder A hollow muscular organ that collects urine from the kidneys before urination
Medical term Definition Cystoscopy Urethra Urinary retention Visual examination of the urinary bladder Urethra A tube that takes the urine from the urinary bladder to be passed out of the body Urinary retention Inability to empty the urinary bladder completely Urinary incontinence Inability to control the excretory function (Inability to control urination & defecation)
Medical term Definition Renal Nephrology Nephrologist Nephritis Pertaining to the kidney Nephrology Is the study of the normal kidney functions, Kidney problems & their treatment Nephrologist A doctor who specializes in kidney diseases & their treatment Nephritis Inflammation in one or both kidneys
Medical term Definition Nephrosis Nephrectomy Dialysis Kidney disease Surgical removal of one or both kidneys Dialysis Process of removing wastes from the blood, & is used as an artificial replacement for lost kidney function in people with kidney failure
Medical term Definition Lithotripsy Pyeloplasty Pyelotomy Procedure using shock waves to break kidney stones into small particles that can be passed out of the body Pyeloplasty Surgical repair of the renal pelvis Pyelotomy Surgical incision into the renal pelvis of the kidney
Abnormal conditions Medical term Definition Oliguria Dysuria Anuria The production of abnormal small volume of urine Dysuria Pain or discomfort during urination Anuria No urine production Albuminuria Protein (Albumin) in the urine Glycosuria Glucose in the urine Hematuria Blood in the urine Uremia High levels of urea (Nitrogenous waste material) in the blood
Abnormal conditions Medical term Definition Renal failure Condition in which the kidneys stop functioning & don’t produce urine Nephrolithiasis Stones in the kidney