Ancient Greece By Kaelyn and Kyla
Ancient greek pots They used clay found from underground. They made pots using worn shapes and then they moulded there pots to a flat like a normal pot. They sometimes have Olympic sports on there pots. They painted them after they were dry. They did the patterns and sports with just a paint brush. The pots were very delicate.
Greek gods and goddesses There is gods for ancient Greece. They all live on mount Olympus except Hades. Zeus is the king of all gods and goddesses, his wife Hera is his sister. Athena is the goddesses of wisdom. Aphrodite is the goddesses of love and beauty. Hermes is a messenger and is Zeus's youngest son.
The olympics the games that were made are: at the end of this slide it will be a quiz Wrestling Pancreatic Trumpeting Jumping Discuss Javerling Running the Olympic games began in 776bc Chariot racing the games ended with a feast Horse racing they were held in Olympia Racing in armour if you cheat you have to pay for a bronze stachue of zeus The most vicious one was wresling about 50000 people could fit in the stadium They were held in hounor of zeus they gave out wreaths instead of medals
The quiz when did the ancient Olympic games start? Who were the Olympic games held in honour of? What did the winners receive? How many people could fit in a stadium? What happened to the cheaters? Where were they held? What were the games in the Olympics? How did the games end? What was the most dangerous event?
your answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
answers 1.In 776bc 2.Zeus 3.A wreath 4.50000 5.Pay for a bronze statue of Zeus 6.Olympia 7.wresling, trumpeting, pancreatic, jumping, discuss, javelin, running, chariot racing, horse racing, racing in armour. 8. With a feast 9.wresling
monday tuesday friday lunch Lunch dinner FEAST Olympic time table wednesday thursday friday breakfast wrestling pancreatic TRUMPITING JUMPING DISSCUSS JAVERLING lunch Lunch NAKED RACE CHARIOT RACING HORSE RACING RACING IN ARMOR AWARDS! dinner FEAST
This is one of our favourite myths Greek Comic strip This is one of our favourite myths The Trojan horse