English 1 Tyas saraswati Zuliaana
It is apple ??
Biotechnology the use of living organisms to develop or make useful products
Use Example Industry corn as a biofuel Environmental Waste treatment Forensics DNA Fingerprinting to solve crimes Agriculture Growing pest resistant crops Medical make insulin for diabetics
Diferencess between conventional and Modern Biotechnology
Conventional Biotechnology tempe Process that helped by microorganism, for example with fermentation Tape
Modern Biotechnology Along with the development of science, experts have started again to develop biotechnology by utilizing scientific principles through research. effective and efficient
biotechnology is not only used in the food industry but has covered many fields, such as genetic engineering, pollution management, the creation of an energy source, and so forth. With the variety of research and development of science and technology, the greater the benefits of biotechnology for the days to come.
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Medical 1 cloning 3 2 Dolly