Let’s Get Atomic (Theory) Black Bottle Problems Let’s Get Atomic (Theory)
Black Bottle Problems: Something that is hard to study because we don’t have the technology to observe it directly. What are some examples of Black Box problems? - Use this slide to introduce Black Box Lab
Pluto Shape of Earth - Climate Change - Shape of Earth - Extraterrestrial Life - Plate Tectonics - Ocean Floor - Big Bang Theory - Extinctions occurring - Evolution Atoms*
Could just one experiment REALLY determine everything that could be in the bottle?
*How do we “solve” black bottle problems? 1) Identify a problem 2) Develop a Hypothesis 3) Collect Data with technology 4) Form a Theory 5) Make a Model Big Problem: How do you know what you know? What does an atom look like? Guiding Question: How has our understanding of atoms changed through history?
- Atoms = “atomos” = indivisible - Atoms are un-cuttable Democritus 460 – 370 BCE - Atoms = “atomos” = indivisible - Atoms are un-cuttable - All atoms are small, hard, particles made of a single material - Atoms are always moving - Every atom is a different shape Model: Atom 1 Atom 2 Atom 3
Aristotle 384 – 322 BCE Believed that there is no such thing as the atom! You can cut substances in half forever Believed all substances are made of 4 elements: earth, wind, water and fire Model: None exists!
John Dalton 1766 – 1844 CE - Atoms are tiny, hard balls that can’t be created, divided or destroyed Atoms of the same element have the same properties. Atoms of different elements have different properties. - All substances are made of atoms - Atoms join together to form new substances Model: Element 1 Element 2
JJ Thomson 1856 – 1940 CE - Discovered electrons using the “cathode ray tube experiment” - Atoms have positive and negatively charged parts but have no overall charge - Called it the “Plum Pudding Model” Model:
Ernest Rutherford 1837– 1937 CE - Discovers protons using the “Atomic Shooting Gallery” - Atoms are mostly empty space - Protons are concentrated in the dense nucleus with electrons moving around it Model: Solar System Model
Add to the back of your paper! James Chadwick 1891– 1974 CE Add to the back of your paper! Discovered the neutron Both Protons and Neutrons are located in the nucleus
Niels Bohr 1885– 1962 CE Believed that electrons follow specific paths (called orbits) Orbits are organized by energy level Chemistry is BOHR-ing! Model: Atom Absorbs Energy Atom Emits Energy
Edwin Schrödinger and Werner Heisenberg 1900’s – present Electrons are found in “clouds” Speed and Location of electrons can’t be known at the same time: Uncertainty Principle Wave-particle duality Orbitals replace “orbits” or “energy levels” Model:
Present Day Research Hadron Rap