Objectifs/Goals Favoriser le développement des Sciences et Techniques Augmenter le nombre de techniciens, scientifiques et ingénieurs en Europe Promote the development of Science et Technology Increase the number of technicians, scientists and engineers in Europe
Le projet / Project Créer, développer et diffuser de bonnes pratiques pédagogiques dans le domaine de la Robotique. Mettre en commun nos compétences et ressources pour créer un Laboratoire Européen de Robotique. Create, develop et disseminate good pedagogical practices in Robotics. Gathering Skills and resources to create a European Robotic Laboratory.
Pourquoi un partenariat autour de la Robotique? Why a partnership around Robotics? une filière motivante qui permet l’apprentissage des Sciences et des Technologies dès le collège A motivating field that enable learnings in Science and Technology Un secteur pluri technologique, essentiel pour le développement industriel et la croissance de l’Europe A key sector for european industrial development and growth
Pourquoi un partenariat autour de la Robotique? Why a partnership around Robotics? « une filière d'avenir au croisement de plusieurs secteurs : mécatronique, électronique, optronique, logiciel embarqué, énergie, nanomatériaux, intelligence artificielle, connectique… Elle a vocation à investir tous les domaines : transport, industrie, logistique, agriculture, santé, loisir, défense, éducation… »
EURLAB The Lab A network of real and virtual labs HNBK Lab ITI M. Lab LLA Lab HNBK Lab Real Lab Real Lab EURLAB Virtual Lab online ITI M. Lab Real Lab
Activités/ Activities: for teachers Create educational resources for european students and other teachers Create the virtual lab online
Activités/ Activities: For students : Créer des robots dans un environnement de type FabLab par des approches « Learning by Doing » et « Collaborative Learning ». Create robots in a FabLab environment with « Learning by doing » and « collaborative learning » approaches in a very short time !
Expertise & Trainings CAD, Rapid prototyping - Lycée Louis Armand-Nogent sur Marne, France LEGO, Arduino & networking – ITI A.MONACO-Cosenza, Italy All mecatronics – HNBK-Essen, Germany Development, System Engineering & CAD – Dassault Systèmes, France
Productions Collaborative workspace with learning environment and virtual laboratory Workshops Website with EURLAB Open Online Course
EURLAB Working Process 1 Educational materials creation (in Robotics) Collaborative project definition (Bionic, Music, Exploration Robots,…) 2 Students work, Workshop 1, Test & Evaluation 3 Educational materials Evolution Workshop 2 & 3 Collaborative student project using educational materials 4 EURLAB Open online Courses 5 Educational materials Dissemination Events , publications Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Year 1: teachers & partners work Workspace creation Communication website creation (www.eurlab.org) Educational materials creation in Robotics Training modules (CAD, electronics, rapid prototyping, Network,…) Training processes (collaborative work, learning by doing, …) Training media (3D animations, online course, virtual lab, …) Training devices (mobile devices, lab devices virtual lab devices, … « Educational Robotics Kit » to be used in Year 2 Collaborative project definition (Bionic, Music, Exploration Robots,…)
Year 2: students work Collaborative projects: different robots Collaborative work using CCC Process and « Educational Robotics Kit » from Year 1 (workspace, training modules, virtual labs,…) 3 workshops (France, Germany, Italy) to enable students to create real robots in a FabLab way using real school labs
Year 3: teachers & partners work Website with EURLAB Open Online Course Communication website Pedagogical results Publications Multiplier event with exhibition and results of the project (ROBOTS, PARTNERS wORK,...)
Communication Communication website Pedagogical results Publications Multiplier event with exhibition and results of the project
Some figures 2014-2017 313 000 € 99 / 100 Project duration : Budget : Evaluation note:
EURLAB Let’s build bridges between european schools through Robotics! « Men are building too much walls… And not enough bridges. » Isaac Newton EURLAB Let’s build bridges between european schools through Robotics!