Welcome Back to School Night 6th Grade Orientation August 24, 2017 Orchard Middle School Please sign-in on one of the clipboards being passed around.
Introductions Ms. Forrest Mr. Bushell
Student Planners Backpack checks Binder/notebooks Organization is Key! Student Planners Backpack checks Binder/notebooks
Quarter 1 ends October 19th Grading Periods Semester 1 August 17- January 12 Semester 2 January 15- June 7 Quarter 1 ends October 19th Progress Report Quarter 3 ends March 23rd Quarter 2 Report Card Quarter 4
Common Core State Standards 6th grade Language Arts Reading Public , school (opening in a few weeks) and class libraries available Novels as a class Articles/handouts from Mr. Bushell and Ms. Forrest Reading Logs and Monthly book reviews Accelerated reading program Vocabulary Development: Flocabulary Word study (root words, suffixes and prefixes) Writing Informational, argumentative, and narrative Grammar and Mechanics Listening/Speaking Skills Critical thinking/Collaboration Common Core State Standards
Social Studies Interactive Student Notebook Notebook (Forrest Only) Topics covered this year Early Humans and the Rise of Civilization Ancient Egypt and the Near East Ancient India Ancient China Ancient Greece Ancient Rome
Resources www.edmodo.com (communication and collaboration on school assignments and projects) docs.google.com (Google Docs is a free Web-based application in which documents and spreadsheets can be created, edited and stored online. A Gmail account is needed to access google docs. Remind app and text message communication Class codes are on the website below. Ms. Forrest’s website: jforrest.weebly.com
Family/School Partnership Show Interest Attendance Ready with supplies Organization Check student planners Check Power school once a week School website www.orchardsd.org Consistent homework area and time…they will have some kind of homework daily. Home and school communication PTA