War in the Pacific Map
Step 1 Choose two colored pencils. At the bottom of your map, create a key. One color needs to be Axis Powers, one color needs to be Allied Powers
Step 2 Using your Axis Color, outline the islands of Japan (Hold onto this color… You will use this color for awhile)
Step 3 Find Taiwan on the map and shade it in with your Axis color.
Step 4 Shade in North Korea and South Korea
Step 5 Put dots on the cities of Harbin, Jilin, and Changchun (you will find them in northeast) These are the industrial cities of Manchuria
Step 6 Underline Tokyo. Japanese soldiers were glorified in Tokyo like the samurai warriors of old.
Step 7 Locate Beijing. Draw a line connecting the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Fuzhou, Shantou.
Step 8 Shade in the following countries: Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, and Kampuchea (Cambodia) Now pause and consider the map. What conclusions can draw from the map at this point?
Step 9 Draw a Axis colored arrow from Tokyo to the southeast. Label the arrow “Pearl Harbor.”
Pearl Harbor
Step 10 Shade the Philippines Underline its capital city, Manila Next to the Philippines, write “Bataan Death March”
Pearl Harbor Bataan Death March
Step 11 Draw a dotted Axis colored line from Rangoon to Chengdu
Pearl Harbor Bataan Death March
Step 12 Shade the countries of Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea
Pearl Harbor Bataan Death March
Step 13 Find Papua New Guinea. Put a large Allied colored “X” in the Coral Sea. Below the “X” write “Battle of Coral Sea”
Pearl Harbor Bataan Death March Battle of Coral Sea
Step 14 East of Tokyo, draw a Axis-colored arrow. Label the arrow “To Midway” At the edge of you map, after the arrow, in your Allied color, draw a star and write “Battle of Midway”.
To Midway Battle of Midway Pearl Harbor Bataan Death March Battle of Coral Sea
Step 15 Find the Solomon Islands. In your Axis color, label the biggest island “Guadalcanal”
To Midway Battle of Midway Pearl Harbor Bataan Death March Battle of Coral Sea Gualdalcanal
Step 16 Underline Australia in your allied color.
To Midway Battle of Midway Pearl Harbor Bataan Death March Battle of Coral Sea Gualdalcanal
Step 17 Draw an Allied-colored arrow from Australia to Port Moresby, New Guinea.
To Midway Battle of Midway Pearl Harbor Bataan Death March Gualdalcanal Battle of Coral Sea
Step 18 Underline in your Axis color: New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Guam, Palau, Philippines. Connect them with an Allied colored line. Write “Island Hopping Strategy” next to the line
To Midway Battle of Midway Pearl Harbor Bataan Death March Gualdalcanal Battle of Coral Sea
Step 19 Draw an Allied colored arrow from the Philippines to Tokyo. Notice the little islands south of Japan. Label the southernmost island “Iwo Jima” Label the island north of it “Okinawa”
To Midway Battle of Midway Okinawa Iwo Jima Pearl Harbor Bataan Death March Gualdalcanal Battle of Coral Sea
Step 20 Put an Allied colored “X” in southwestern Japan (on the main island). Label this “X” Hiroshima.
To Midway Hiroshima Battle of Midway Okinawa Iwo Jima Pearl Harbor Bataan Death March Gualdalcanal Battle of Coral Sea