Lesson 4 Systems Engineering Plan Exercise Team #
Team 1 Team 1 - Signature Pages, and Section 1 of the Bull Dog SEP Discuss several recommendations concerning how to build a good SEP. Concerning Section 1.4 of the Bull Dog SEP: What constitutes a living document? In your opinion, is the Bull Dog SEP very likely to become a living document? Why or why not? When / how often does a SEP need to be updated? Under what circumstances / conditions might a SEP be needed for post Milestone C programs?
Team 2 Team 2 - Section 3.2 of the Bull Dog SEP What document directs the requirement for a SEP? A lot of information is missing from section 3.2 of the Bull Dog SEP. How could you obtain or develop the missing information? State specific documents and other sources of information you could use. Assume that all needed documents or draft documents will be available, prior to SEP coordination / approval.
Team 3 Team 3 – Section 3.6 of the Bull Dog SEP What is the difference between a contractor Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) and a government SEP? Keep a top level view. Refer to the SEMP Data Item Description provided as an artifact. A lot of information is missing from section 3.6 of the Bull Dog SEP. How could you obtain or develop the missing information? State specific documents and other sources of information you could use. Assume that all needed documents or draft documents will be available, prior to SEP coordination / approval. Sections 3,6 and 4.6 of the SEP Outline Format, and DoDI 5000.02, detail information requirements pertaining to reliability that shall be provided in the SEP. What specific reliability-related information must be provided?
Team 4 Team 4 – Section 4.4 of the Bull Dog SEP When does the contractor prepare (and update) a SEMP? Refer to the SEMP Data Item Description provided as an artifact. Is it a good idea to require government approval of a SEMP? Concerning Section 4.4 of the Bull Dog SEP: What methods are being used by the Bull Dog program to ensure (or maximize the likelihood of) event-driven technical reviews? What methods could be used (beyond those being used by the Bull Dog program) to ensure (or maximize the likelihood of) event-driven technical reviews? Discuss the pros and cons of event-driven (versus schedule-driven) technical reviews. .
Team 5 Team 5 – Section 4.5 of the Bull Dog SEP What are the purposes of preparing a SEP? Should the government SEP be made part of a contract? Concerning Section 4.5 of the Bull Dog SEP: What is the government Program Management Office’s plan for taking ownership / control of the technical baselines? Does the government plan to purchase the technical data package? In your opinion, should the government purchase the technical data package? If so, why? If not, why not? Can the government purchase only part of the technical data package?
Team 6 Team 6 – Section 4.6 of the Bull Dog SEP Who (including what stakeholders) will use or refer to the SEP? A lot of information is missing from section 4.6 of the Bull Dog SEP. How could you obtain or develop the missing information? State specific documents and other sources of information you could use. Assume that all needed documents or draft documents will be available, prior to SEP coordination / approval. Section 3.6 and 4.6 of the SEP Outline Format, and DoDI 5000.02, detail information requirements pertaining to reliability that shall be provided in the SEP. What specific reliability-related information must be provided?
Technical Management Processes Relate the following Technical Management Processes to what you do at work (Briefer pick one): Decision Analysis Technical Planning Technical Assessment Requirements Management Risk Management Configuration Management Technical Data Management Interface Management