ESWW 13 – Oostende, Belgium – 14-18 November 2016 Combining Observations of Interplanetary Scintillation and Heliospheric Visible-Light Imaging for Space-Weather Purposes as part of the EU FP7 HELCATS Project: CMEs and SIRs Mario M. Bisi ( [1], David Barnes[1], Jonathan Eastwood[2], Vratislav Krupar[2], Jasmina Magdalenic[3], Richard A. Harrison[1], Jackie A. Davies[1], and Richard A. Fallows[4]. [1] STFC RAL Space, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Campus, UK. [2] Imperial College London, London, UK. [3] SIDC, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium. [4] ASTRON – The Netherlands Institute for radio Astronomy, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands.
Outline HELiospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Techniques Service (HELCATS) Brief Overview. HELCATS WP7 Brief Overview. HELCATS Task 7.1 Overall Purpose. What is Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS)? Examples and development/verification of Feature-Finding Tools for finding the CME/SIR/CIR Signatures in the IPS Data to date. V0 of the IPSCAT. A Brief Overview of the IPS Work Plan Progress to Date (Task 7.1 only).
- See: HELiospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Techniques Service (HELCATS) Brief Overview. - See:
HELCATS Overview To provide the scientific community with easy access to HELCATS catalogues and methodologies, enabling a much wider exploitation and understanding of heliospheric imaging observations.
HELCATS WP7 Brief Overview. - See:
WP7 Brief Overview (1) Commenced in Month 10 (February 2015) of the 36-month EU project and will finish in month 36 (April 2017). Participants: Imperial College London (UK), ROB (Belgium), and STFC (UK). WP Leader: Jonathan Eastwood, Imperial College London. Objective 1 (WP7.1): To identify and analyse potentially-geoeffective solar wind events that are observed by both STEREO|HI and interplanetary scintillation (IPS), and use IPS to augment the HI observations. Objective 2 (WP7.2): To identify and analyse solar wind transients that are observed by both HI and in radio, and add value to the HI data by establishing/cataloguing the relationships between them.
WP7 Brief Overview (2) Task 7.1: Identifying and analysing potentially-geoeffective solar wind events that are observed by both HI and IPS (STFC). Task 7.2: Identifying and analysing solar wind transients that are observed by both HI and in Type II radio burst emission (Imperial College and ROB). D7.1: Catalogues of EISCAT and LOFAR IPS data events and of S/WAVES events, both extending throughout the STEREO|HI Mission timeline [S/WAVES Catalogue Delivered]. D7.2: Report of initial comparison between IPS events and HI events. D7.3: Report of initial comparison between solar radio-burst events and HI events [Report Being Finalised].
HELCATS Task 7.1 Overall Purpose. - See:
Task 7.1 Overall Purpose Initial problems with the IPS analysis routines at RAL Space meant that things were a little slow getting off the ground. Initial tests carried out on pre-STEREO data which have a much higher signal-to-noise ratio and so some further complications for the 2007+ data analysis. Development of a catalogues of CMEs and SIRs/CIRs observed using IPS during the STEREO mission time line and comparison with white-/visible-light observations where geometry allows. Required a way of finding the relevant features in the IPS data. Primary Aspect: EISCAT/ESR/LOFAR individual observations of IPS used primarily in conjunction with the HI catalogues. Secondary Aspect Tomography/New Secondary Aspect Single-Site Velocities: only if time allows – watch this space…
What is Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS)? - e.g. see M.M. Bisi, “Planetary, heliospheric, and solar science with radio scintillation”, Chapter 13 of Heliophysics Volume IV “Active stars, their astrospheres, and impacts on planetary Environments”, Editors C.J. Schrijver, F. Bagenal, and J.J. Sojka, Cambridge University Press, 16 March 2016, and references therein.
Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) IPS is most-sensitive at and around the P-Point of the LOS to the Sun and is only sensitive to the component of flow that is perpendicular to the LOS; it is variation in intensity of astronomical radio sources on timescales of ~0.1s to ~10s that is observed. Interplanetary scintillation from compact radio source Solar wind velocity, density/ turbulence, and signatures of field rotation and SIRs Variation in amount of scintillation → density proxy Cross-correlation of power spectra → velocity etc… Fit to individual power spectra → velocity etc… Additional plots courtesy of O. Chang, and P.K. Manoharan.
Examples and development/verification of Feature-Finding Tools for finding the CME/SIR/CIR Signatures in the IPS Data to date.
EISCAT IPS and STEREO HI1-A Comparisons Sequence of STEREO HI1-A images of a CME with the IPS P-Point superimposed; the grey area on the intensity plot represents the overlap in time with the IPS. Variation in velocity as determined from the IPS.
LOFAR Observations of IPS on 03 June 2013 W-Limb CME! 522 km s-1 E-Limb 442 km s-1 W-Limb 585 km s-1 behind CME W-Limb 496 km s-1 behind CME 108.0 RS at 45.9° Lat. 146.1 RS at 28.1° Lat. 109.5 RS at 33.0° Lat. 115.5 RS at 26.3° Lat. Worldwide IPS cross-analyses exercise…
IPS CCF CMEs Feature Finding
IPS CCF SIRs/CIRs Feature Finding (CME Included)
- See: V0 of the IPSCAT. - See:
IPSCAT – V0… Short extract from the initial version of IPSCAT showing results from observation of IPS with EISCAT/ESR from September 2010.
A Brief Overview of the IPS Work Plan Progress to Date (Task 7.1). - See:
Task 7.1 Progress and Outlook Tools for finding the relevant features in the IPS data are working, but poor-quality CCFs are making things difficult. Automated re-run of all the EISCAT data relevant to STEREO completed – may need to be done manually – will take time… Initial V0 IPSCAT ready to go online now (CMEs/SIRs/CIRs). Primary aspect is well underway; automated parts completed. Secondary aspect for using the UCSD tomography is on hold in favour of working on single-site cases as these could augment the IPS velocities and comparisons with the HI results (tests are needed as the low signal-to-noise may also cause issues). Task 7.1 will still have to complete by month 36 as planned (except for potential changes to some of the secondary aspects that do not affect the overall HELCATS deliverables).