Living Worship January 18, 2009
Introduction Salvation 101— Too abstract? Doctrine Practical Living Sacrifices
Romans 12:1-2 Doctrine Practice HINGE VERSE
The URGENT Appeal Therefore, I urge you… Living Sacrifices
By the mercies of God… God made us alive with Christ God raised us up with Christ God seated us with Christ in the heavenly realms God saved us by grace through faith as a free gift of God apart from works We have received the forgiveness of sins We have been redeemed from slavery to sin and death We have been cleansed from all sin We have been brought near to God We have been purchased as God’s own people We have been made holy before God, once and for all By the mercies of God…
The URGENT Appeal Present SELF as a Living SACRIFICE By the mercies of God Present SELF as a Living SACRIFICE bodies = soma not sarx sarx = flesh and blood soma is the ENTIRE SELF Living Sacrifices
The URGENT Appeal Present SELF as a Living SACRIFICE By the mercies of God Present SELF as a Living SACRIFICE holy and pleasing to God! spiritual or logical act of worship! Living Sacrifices
The URGENT Appeal Present SELF as a Living SACRIFICE By the mercies of God Present SELF as a Living SACRIFICE Giving ourselves to God daily is our Living Worship Living Sacrifices
The URGENT Appeal By the mercies of God Present SELF as a Living SACRIFICE What does this look like in real life? This is the focus of our new series. Living Sacrifices
The First Step: TRANSFORMATION God’s Work Within Us "be transformed“ = metamorphoomai Caterpillar Butterfly Living Sacrifices
The First Step: TRANSFORMATION God’s Work Within Us The Transformation Is Real! Matthew Parrish The Times-UK Living Sacrifices
The First Step: TRANSFORMATION God’s Work Within Us STOP Conforming to World RENEW Your Mind Proverbs 3:5-6 Living Sacrifices
The Result—TEST DRIVING the Will of God Who Am I to “Approve” God’s Will?! Psalm 34:8— "Taste and see that the Lord is good..." Living Sacrifices
Conclusion: Urgent Appeal—Offer Whole Selves to God as Living Sacrifices This is the only logical response when we look at ALL He has done for us! Living Sacrifices
Conclusion: This Is WORSHIP, Living Worship It Begins with Offering Our Minds to God Then We Experience Transformation & Prove Out the Will of God as Good & Acceptable & Perfect Living Sacrifices