PRINCIPLES OF JUSTICE: -Respect -Equality -Fairness
What is Justice?
Respect *Dignity, Worth, Potential There are generally 3 distinct aspects of a person associated with respect that we owe them; - Moral Aspect: refers to self awareness and the awareness of others and to our ability to take responsibility for our actions - Physical Aspect: having a body that also deserves respect; torture, rape are unacceptable attacks against a person - Legal Aspect: individuals have rights along with responsibilities Respect should not be confused with tolerance, since tolerance doesn't necessarily imply any positive feeling, and is compatible with contempt, which is the opposite of respect.
Equality *Same It can be painful for someone to be considered different from others. That is what happens when someone is excluded from participating in an event or in social life. Even when the exclusion can be justified (disability) it can lead to injustices. i.e. Quebec’s Highway Code State of being equal: rights, treatment, quantity, or value equal to all others in a specific group - full equality under the law
“Fairness means that everyone gets what he or she needs.” To be fair means being particularly sensitive to inequalities between people even if the principle of equality is already established in a society To be fair, we need to take into consideration each specific situation when applying the principle of equality. i.e. in a sports competition , it’s necessary to take into account everyone’s age, sex and ability when planning teams Treating people as equals doesn’t always mean showing fairness towards them. In actuality, the definition of fairness has little to do with treating people in an identical manner. The true definition of fairness is: “Fairness means that everyone gets what he or she needs.” In order for this "fairness doctrine" to work effectively, one must also understand the difference between "need" and "want." Stephen Glenn, noted author and parenting expert, helps us understand this delineation in the following dialogue between a mother and her 14-year-old daughter: Daughter: “Mom, I need a pair of "Guess" designer jeans. I need $85.” Mom: “Nope. I have checked your closet and I agree that you need a pair of jeans. However, you want a pair of designer jeans. I will gladly provide you with what you need. Take $35 which will buy you the jeans that you need. If you want the designer jeans badly enough, I am sure that you will find some way to add $50 to my $35.”
Pick out the three Principles of Justice in the following PSA