Vocabulary D-4 Mrs. Vaughn Copyright © 2002 Glenna R. Shaw and FTC Publishing All Rights Reserved
abscond (verb) to run off and hide Abscond with the stolen money
access (noun) approach or admittance to places, persons, things Gain access to the secret files
anarchy (noun) lack of government and law, confusion A country suffering from anarchy
arduous (adj.) hard to do, requiring much effort Worn out by their arduous household chores
auspicious (adj.) favorable, fortunate Under auspicious circumstances
biased (adj.) favoring one side unduly; prejudiced Accused of making a biased decision
disentangle (verb) to free from tangles or complications Disentangle the fishing net
dominant (adj.) highly influential, ruling Became the dominant force in the government
exposition (noun) public showing or exhibition; orderly statement of facts and ideas An exposition of the latest household equipment
fated (adj.) determined in advance by destiny or fortune Believed that she was fated to rise to the top
hoodwink (verb) to mislead by a trick, deceive Attempt to hoodwink his opponent
incinerate (verb) to burn to ashes Incinerate the garbage
infest (verb) to overrun or disturb in large numbers Mosquitoes that infest the area
intrepid (adj.) very brave, fearless, unshakable Intrepid explorers of the ocean depths
larceny (noun) theft Found guilty of larceny
pliant (adj.) bending readily, easily influenced The pliant young branches of the apple tree
precipice (noun) very steep cliff; edge of disaster Hang over the precipice
rectify (verb) to make right, correct Rectify a mistake
reprieve (noun) temporary relief or delay Receive a reprieve from the Governor (verb) to grant a postponement Reprieved the culprit from immediate punishment
revile (verb) to attack with words, call bad names Revile the very person who had been so good to her