God’s Plan for Salvation is Fulfilled Section 3: God’s Plan for Salvation is Fulfilled
The Resurrection & Ascension of Jesus Section 3, Part 2: The Resurrection & Ascension of Jesus
Introduction Continue looking at the heart of the Paschal Mystery (narrow) Resurrection & Ascension (narrow) fulfills God’s plan of salvation (broad) How is the Resurrection a basis of hope for our own? What is Resurrection and meaning of?; What does it prove?; How do we know it happened?; What is a Resurrected body like?; What is Ascension?; Why did Jesus’ ascend after 40 days?; What is meaning of Ascension? … Resurrection is source of great joy since we are called to participate in as fulfillment of God’s plan of salvation 5 Articles (A. 25) – The Events of the Resurrection (A. 26) – What is the Resurrection? (A. 27) – The Significance of Christ’s Resurrection (A. 28) – The Ascension (A. 29) – The Significance of Christ’s Ascension
Article 25: The Events of the Resurrection Jesus vs. other religious leaders—Moses, Confucius, Buddha, Mohammed Resurrection makes unique (identity & mission)—definition Commonalities among the Gospels Women first, then men Not dead but alive Mary Magdalene = apostle to the apostles Later appearances– shock & fear but peace & continue mission Uniqueness of the Gospels-why but still real Emmaus—Mk & Lk Thomas—Jn Peter on shore—Jn Ascension—Mk & Lk Paul—Acts (9, 22, 26) and 7x in epistles Proof for the Resurrection Historical validity of NT Consistent belief of the early Church Empty tomb & martyrdom Transformation of apostles Historical vs. Meta-historical event?– as always, both/and Most importantly = what do I believe & how will it change me
You Tube Videos: Resurrection Fr. Barron: Resurrection Pope Emeritus Benedict: The Resurrection is a Real Historical Event
Homework Read AA. 26-27 in the e-book for discussion tomorrow Section 3, Part 2 review ?’s 1-2
Article 26: What is the Resurrection? Gospels are vague—not easily understood in human terms—why? Recognizable but not 1 Cor. 15 Written in response to gnostic influence in community (vv. 1-12)—Resurrection is a real historical event 500 witnesses Appeared not just seen (objective) Paul’s own experience (vv. 20-24)—Basis for our hope Proof of our own resurrection (order to God’s plan) “first fruits” analogy Christianity would be useless without Christ’s Resurrection (vv. 35-58)—Resurrected body (not reanimated corpse) “seed” analogy Not exact knowledge so qualities—incorruptible, honorable, powerful, & spiritual Same person but new existence—no death, disease, temptation, or physical limits We should be farsighted travelers Mary Magdalene—sinner? but witness to the Resurrection
Article 27: The Significance of Christ’s Resurrection We can see examples in nature that man was created for eternal life The Resurrection confirms revealed truths Jesus is the Son of God--Incarnation Thomas the doubting Apostle All Jesus’ teachings are true God loves unconditionally, we too are fulfilled by loving God & others, forgiveness is more powerful than hate, rich must share with the poor, no prejudice The Resurrection opens the path to new life --Death liberates but Resurrection opens Justification in the Resurrection allows us to live & thrive in this world St. Melito of Sardis—2nd century exegesis on Resurrection Resurrection is Jesus’ triumph over death & invitation to us to participate Death brings new abundant life—“the grain of wheat that dies” Work of the Trinity—Jesus lays down, Father raises, by power of H.S.
You Tube Videos: Resurrection Significance of the Resurrection
Homework Read AA. 28-29 in the e-book for discussion tomorrow Section 3, Part 2 review questions 3-6
Article 28: The Ascension Resurrection appearances span 40 days from Easter Sun. to Ascension Taught Apostles (not disciples) to interpret SS in light of himself Commanded them to continue his Mission; then left? 1st the Descent into Hell (limbo?)—Holy Saturday Scriptural basis is Eph. 4: 9-10 Symbolic that Jesus completely experienced death Realm of the dead—Gk. Hades & Hb. Sheol = underworld/place of waiting Righteous souls taken to heaven; unrighteous condemned to Hell (absence of God more than fire of cold) = extended to all future souls Establishes Jesus’ power over all creation—heaven, hell, & earth—purgatory? Ascension is affirmed by the Nicene Creed—not in Jn. or Mt.; brief in Lk. & Mk.; fullest treatment is by Luke in Acts Religious truth & scientific truth—ancient cosmology After spending time with his followers, Jesus was reunited with his Father More or less present now? Heaven more available now or before? Up/heights & down/lowlands in the Bible—why?
Article 29: The Significance of Christ’s Ascension Date varies according to Easter (how)—4o days after = Thurs. or Sun. Often overlooked as a solemnity of Jesus—hope to change here Incarnation & Ascension are symmetrical except for human nature! Full authority over all of creation Free of the physical limits He accepted while on earth Worthy of all respect—Philippians 2: 10-11 All humanity has chance to spend eternity w/ God in heaven Jesus’ resurrected & glorified body reveals the dignity & full potential of our human nature = tremendous hope Paradoxically, Jesus is more present to us now than He was before Ascension fulfills His promises to stay with us always (Mt. 28) & to send the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14) The missions of the Son & the Holy Spirit are inseparably linked; Mary? How is Jesus present to us now?—St. Augustine’s understanding Sacrament (esp. Eucharist), Word, liturgy, prayer, friends/family, service, …
You Tube Videos: The Descent, Ascension, & Significance Bp. Barron: The Ascension Of Jesus An Ancient Homily on Holy Saturday--"The Descent of Christ into Hell/Hades"
Homework Section 3, Part 2 review questions 7-8 Study for the Section 3, Part 2 quiz Tuesday (AA. 25-29) Make sure the Section 3, Part 2 review questions 1-8 are ready to turn in Tuesday