Beyond the Procedure: The UPR as a Catalyst for Public Debate on Human Rights Presentation by José Parra, Consultant Friday 17 march 2017, palais des nations, geneva
UPR Practice of Public Debate Action/Audience General public Media Multistake-holders Civil Society Victims of specific groups Interna-tional community Legislative branch Executive branch Advocacy & monitoring Public conference and awareness raising campaign Training and Human Rights education Press work & social media
Denmark: public hearings
Burkina Faso: social media and training le Centre d’information et de formation en matière de droits Humains en Afrique (CIFDHA)
Australian Human Rights Commission Lobbying of Canberra based missions
Thailand: community involvement
Challenges The absence or weak national institutions in charge of human rights The lack of knowledge about the procedure among NGOs, States and public authorities and local communities; The lack of ongoing interest by the media beyond the review; The absence of political will for meaningful participation, in some cases combined with repression and retaliation; The dilemma for civil society to engage with the State without making compromise on critical human rights issues; The preference for human rights NGOs to engage with other human rights mechanisms (e.g. treaty and regional bodies); International interferences by international NGO or UN agencies imposing their agenda and model of intervention to national stakeholders; The size of the country
Recommendations Researching and publicize information on States’ record in implementing UPR recommendations A media and social media strategy Innovative and participatory human rights awareness raising activities A standing follow-up mechanism to introduce accepted and non-accepted recommendations to the public Donor should support civil society participation beyond the UPR process Reinforce civil society platform, notably by incorporating all organizations since the initial stage To include the UPR process into school curriculum for wide-spread awareness Researching and publicize information on States’ record in implementing UPR recommendations A media and social media strategy Innovative and participatory human rights awareness raising activities A standing follow-up mechanism to introduce accepted and non-accepted recommendations to the public Donor should support civil society participation beyond the UPR process Reinforce civil society platform, notably by incorporating every member since the initial stage. To include the UPR process into school curriculum for wide-spread awareness.
Proposals Guidelines for States on conducting meaningful consultation with civil society and the public in the UPR process Continuing research-based exchange of experiences
Beyond the procedure Third UPR cycle: How to better understand and make use of The dynamics between the national and Geneva processes of the UPR?
Beyond the procedure Third UPR cycle: How to better understand and make use of The transnational interactions in which all stakeholders are intertwined?
UPR: a public debate Thank you