Proposed Ordinance on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Pharmaceutical & Sharps Waste Angelo J. Bellomo, REHS, QEP Deputy Director for Health Protection Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
Background Estimated 200 million pounds of unused or expired prescription drugs stored in medicine cabinets across America 8,265 drug-related deaths in LA County from 2000-2009 75% of those who misuse prescription drugs obtain them from relatives or friends Improper disposal of needles, syringes & other “sharps” may result in needlestick injuries that expose other to hepatitis B & C, HIV, and other blood borne pathogens Bullet 2 - The disposal of needles, syringes or other sharps closely regulated in healthcare facilities, but not in homes
Purpose Establish a stewardship program that allows for safe, convenient, and sustainable disposal of unwanted drugs and sharps. The proposed ordinance is based on the concept of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). The purpose of the Ordinance is to establish a Pharmaceutical and Sharps Stewardship Program that allows for the safe, convenient, and sustainable collection and disposal of unwanted Drugs and Sharps by County residents. The proposed Ordinance is based on the concept of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) which extends responsibility to producers for the end-of-life collection and disposal of unwanted and unused materials, in this case drugs and sharps.
Key Elements Finance, develop and implement a Product Stewardship Plan; Safe, convenient and equitable access to take-back locations; and Promotion, outreach, and education to enhance effectiveness of program The Ordinance requires producers to: 1) Finance, develop and implement a Product Stewardship Plan, for the collection, transportation and disposal of unwanted drugs and sharps; 2) Identify safe, convenient and equitable access to take-back locations for unwanted drugs and sharps; and 3) Develop and implement a promotion, outreach, and education program
Status of Ordinance Initial draft circulated for comments on November 5, 2015. Revised draft developed based on input and to be distributed by Jan 8th. Ordinance will go to Board of Supervisors on February 16, 2016 for consideration. The initial draft of the Ordinance was circulated for stakeholder comments on November 5, 2015. A revised draft was developed based on this input and will be distributed by Jan 8th. The Ordinance will be reviewed and considered for adoption by the Board of Supervisors at the Board meeting on February 16, 2016.
What this means for cities If passed, the Ordinance will become effective in the unincorporated areas of the County; cities would need to adopt the ordinance through resolution. Cities adopting the Ordinance soon after effective date could be included during the first year of the program. If the Ordinance is passed, industry will be required to develop a plan to provide take-back options for the unincorporated areas of the County. If local cities want to be included in the plan, they will need to adopt the ordinance through a resolution. Cities that adopt the Ordinance soon after it becomes effective will likely to be included during the first year of the program.
What you can do to support adoption Encourage your constituents and partner organizations to review the draft ordinance. Send letters of support from your City to the Board of Supervisors. Reach out to your constituents and partner organizations and encourage them review the draft ordinance and let their voices be heard. Support this effort by sending letters of support to the Board of Supervisors from the office of the Mayor, City Manager or City Council. We have a sample letter for your consideration.
What you can do to support adoption (continued) Send written comments to the EPR Working Group at Visit our website at Attend the BOS meeting on February 16th and speak in support of adoption. Send written comments to the EPR Working Group at All comments are appreciated and will be reviewed and acknowledged. To learn more about this issue visit our website at Come to the BOS meeting on February 16th and speak on behalf of adoption.
Thank you !