Accomplishments of the Romans.


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Presentation transcript:

Accomplishments of the Romans

They must have done something right to get this big!

#1 – Greater Freedom for Women Early on, women had few rights Later, women given more protection under the law. Women could own property and businesses

What are they doing in this picture? #2 – Organized Military Soldiers served according to rank Legions = big fighting force Cohorts = small fighting force Only landowners were required to serve, starting at age 18 What are they doing in this picture?

#3 – Concrete Roads Highways built to unify distant parts of the empire By year 100AD, thousands of miles of concrete roads connected cities in the empire. This is an actual Roman road that still exists today.

#4– Aqueducts Aqueduct = a canal-like structure made out of concrete Pont du Gard, France Aqueduct = a canal-like structure made out of concrete Used to bring water to people from mountains miles away

#5 – Roman Republic and Voting Republic = a government where the people vote for leaders Got this and many other ideas from the Greeks. Leaders in government shared power, this emphasized equality

#6 – System of Laws Laws made to control the diverse people of the empire. Laws were later written down to create a “government of laws, not men.”

How do you remember the order? Greater Freedom for Woman... Organized Military… Concrete roads… Aqueducts… Roman Republic… System of Laws

G O C A R S !! Finish

Summary for Roman Contributions I learned…

Bonus: Domes and Arches Dome = Roof formed by rounded arches Built to be very strong Dome and arches are still built today using Roman ideas

Bonus: Spread of Christianity Before Christ, most Romans got their gods from the Greeks. After Christ, Romans slowly adopted Christianity, including Emperor Constantine By 395AD, Christianity became official religion. Circus Maximus = An arena in Rome where spectators would watch Christians fight for their lives or be eaten by lions.

Latin Language System of Laws Spread of Greek Ideas Rome Sets up a Republic Spread of Christianity Roman Contributions Military Organization Greater Freedom for Women Network of Concrete Roads Development of the Dome Development of Aqueducts