Pupil Premium at Halton Holegate Church of England Primary School
Plans for the use of the Pupil Premium in 2017/18 Pupil premium is the name of the fund given directly to schools to support the pupils who receive free school meals. In 2017/18 all schools received up to £1320 for each child covered by the Pupil Premium. Halton Holegate C of E Primary School will be allocated £44,880 for the academic year 2017/18. This money will be received for the new financial year and these funds are in addition to the main school budget. The purpose of the funding is to make sure that these children are not disadvantaged in any way in school due to financial constraints and to find ways to support them to do their best. The aim is to close the achievement gap between these pupils and their peers. It is the overarching aim of our school that all children are given opportunities to reach their potential; Pupil Premium enables a range of intervention, support and enrichment activities to be funded for these children.
Halton Holegate C of E Primary School is investing the Pupil Premium in: Year Group Item/Project Cost £ Whole School Teaching Assistant support 12,126 Group and individual support. Home Hub (After school club) 2,371 Provide extended provision for all pupils. SENCo support 5,370 Identify and provide early support to remove barriers to learning Curriculum enrichment 5,730 Broaden life experiences and curricular engagement Intervention 3,000 Develop maths and English skills through targeted support.
Halton Holegate C of E Primary School is investing the Pupil Premium in: Year Group Item/Project Cost £ Whole School Resources 2,500 Develop numeracy and English skills through targeted support. Extended reading 3,000 Develop reading and reading engagement across the school. Provide a broader range of texts for the children to access. IT resources 2,000 To improve access to intervention and support, especially for reading spelling and phonics. Free Milk 1,500 Children are ready to learn
Halton Holegate C of E Primary School is investing the Pupil Premium in: Year Group Item/Project Cost £ Whole School Pupil learning and pastoral support ( Educational Psychologist, Counselling 3,600 Develop numeracy and English skills through targeted support. Access to home learning resources (Lexia, Education City) 3,200 Improve learning and engagement at home Breakfast club provision 800 Improve learning engagement, attendance
Budget Summary Total received 2017/18 44880 Carry forward from 2016/17 £ Total received 2017/18 44880 Carry forward from 2016/17 6,263 Total expenditure 46,197 Balance 4,946