Agreement in Inverted Word Order Hit the space bar once to view the sentence. Then hit the space bar again to see the answer and an explanation.
In the New Haven Aquarium (is, are) some dolphins. “are”- “Dolphins” is the subject. (“In the New Haven Aquarium…” is a prep. phrase.)
There (is, are) many theories about their communication. “are”- “Theories” is the subject.
Among the whalebone whales (is, are) the blue whale. “is”- “Blue whale” is the subject. (“Among the whale bone whales…” is a prep. phrase.)
Here (is, are) a fact about blue whales. “is”- “Fact” is the subject.
Where in the world (is, are) blue whales found? “are”- “Blue whales” is the subject.
There (is, are) many different ways of communicating. “are”- “Ways” is the subject.