MegaCopa White Double Stick Ball Flora Plant Research & Development 725 Zenon Way Arroyo Grande CA 93420 (805) 489-0228 Best Cultural Practices Spring 2017
MegaCopa Double Stick 2017 Data Points Tray Size: 102 (25 mm liner) Stick Date: Week 47 Pinch: Week 50 Transplant: Week 51 Finish: Week 7 Total Crop Time: 12 Weeks Soil pH: 5.7 (ideal pH 5.8 – 6.2) Fertilizer 17-5-17 (200 ppm N) Treatments: Control, No PGR B-Nine 1,000 ppm Spray Cycocel 750 ppm Spray B-Nine 1,000/Cycocel 300 ppm Spray Bonzi 3 ppm Drench Propagation slide – Data Points
Average Temperatures Average Temperatures Month Average (°F) Max (°F) Min (°F) December 64 °F 70 °F 61 °F January 63 °F 60 °F February
Average moles Average Moles: December: 8.8 mol/mˉ²dˉ¹ January: 9.5 mol/mˉ²dˉ¹ February: 10.2 mol/mˉ²dˉ¹
MegaCopa White 3 weeks after transplant Control B-Nine 1,000 Cycocel 750 B-9 1,000/Cycocel 750 Bonzi 3 ppm
8 Weeks After Transplant MegaCopa White Control/No PGR B-Nine 1,000 ppm B-Nine 1,000/Cycocel 750 ppm Cycocel 750 ppm Bonzi 3 ppm Drench
MegaCopa White Recommended Practices Control Cycocel 750 ppm Bonzi 3 ppm Drench
MegaCopa White Recommended Practice Control Cycocel 750 ppm Bonzi 3 ppm Drench MegaCopa White can be successfully grown without PGR’s! An early Cycocel 750 ppm spray application approximately 2 weeks after transplant, or Bonzi 3 ppm drench 4 weeks after transplant are options that worked well. provided adequate control and helped produce a well toned and filled pot.