San Mateo Biotechnology Career Pathway Preparing students for academic and career ladders into science and industry
SMBCP Curriculum/Classes Biotechnology 1 SLOP proficiencies Biotechnology 2 Modeling the production of a recombinant protein Biotechnology 3 Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 4 Protein and DNA Diagnostics Biotechnology Services Internship Unpaid (minimum) 180 hr industry lab position a Biotechnology Independent Research (optional) Mentor-guided, independent lab research in SMBTC
Increasing Skill Development and Workplace Experiences SLOP R&D Training/Skills Tests Authentic Assessment Company/Stock Projects Guest Speakers Field Trips Career Project & Site Visits Job Shadows Laboratory Internships (ROP-180+ hours) Independent Research Projects Employment
SMBCP Successes and Accomplishments National Model for Biotech Education Over 3,500 students have entered the SMBCP Over 750 student industry laboratory internships Formal partnerships with over 25 biotech companies and research institutions Program is being duplicated at several CC/HS sites 1998 San Mateo County, J. Russell Kent Award for outstanding science program 2007 Intel Distinguished Science Department, National Top 3 Finalists 1994 Carl Perkins Grant, $30,000, 2006-2008 California State BIOMAPs Grant $60,000 Articulation/alignment with local college programs
A New and Improved SMBCP Increase the # of “underrepresented populations” in SMBCP Strategies to attract and keep more of our SMHS Latino and Islanders students Strategies to articulate math and English classes with Biotech 1-2 New SMBCP Courses/Program New Biotech Business and Economics course New Biomanufacturing course Establish San Mateo Biotechnology Business Academy New Partnerships and Articulations Start a SMBCP-SMBBA Mentoring Program > including industry mentors and job shadows Articulation agreements with San Mateo Co. Community Colleges New SMBTC Facility State-of-the-art lab stations and multi-media technology Biomanufacturing Facility and Plant Tissue Culture Lab Conference/meeting facilities for small and large groups > Regional Training Center Biomanufacturing Business Biotech
SMBCP Team James (Jimmy) Ikeda Ellyn Daugherty Marvin Gin National Biotech Teacher Award, 2004, Presidential Scholar Author, Biotechnology: Science for the New Millennium 19th year teaching SMBCP courses James (Jimmy) Ikeda IISME Intern - Stanford University, Neuroscience, 2005 5th year teaching SMBCP courses Marvin Gin ROP Biotech Internship Instructor/ Industry Liaison Biotechnology Institute, Gene Connection Lead Teacher 2nd year teaching SMBCP courses SMUHSD (facilities support, CTE and GATE funding) Skyline CC (grants and articulations) ROP (CTE funding workplace experiences) BABEC, G=C, Bio-Link (curricular/supply support) Industry Partners (grants, curricular support, internships)
Internships and Independent Research R&D Skill Development Students are SMBCP Biomanufacturing Business Biotech