CECS 6800 Presentation on Survey instrument and findings This paper covers the creation of a tool to measure the positive use of stress in an educational situation
CECS 6800 Presentation on Survey instrument and findings The initial survey instrument (the first 44 questions, 28 from another instrument (Knezek, 2005) and 16 from the author) was administered to eight individuals not involved in the training
CECS 6800 Presentation on Survey instrument and findings The remaining 21 questions, created by the author, were added and the questionnaire was sent to 69 former students
CECS 6800 Presentation on Survey instrument and findings The questions have a Likert scale (Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Undecided, Agree and Strongly Agree) which were recorded as values from 1 to 5.
CECS 6800 Presentation on Survey instrument and findings The goals of this survey are twofold: One is to inquire student’s thoughts on stress and if they believe that stress, whether it is in the form of a timed activity, accelerated learning or workload, inhibits the learning process.
CECS 6800 Presentation on Survey instrument and findings The second goal is to measure their thoughts after they participate in the training; did they find the troubleshooting activity useful in learning the software.
CECS 6800 Presentation on Survey instrument and findings Test Number of fields Number of Factors Cronbach Value % Variance explained Correlation good at 0.01 level? 1 37 12 0.669 79.4 Not tried 2 7 60.1 3 26 0.892 75.7 4 5 67.1 No 18 0.894 76.9 6 16 0.909 14 0.925 83.9 Yes
CECS 6800 Presentation on Survey instrument and findings Factor 1 Learned from the activity. Factor 2 Trouble shooting skill enhanced Factor 3 Enjoyed the activity after completion, helped in approaching and fixing problems. Factor 4 Pressure brings out my best and pressure can be a learning enhancement. Factor 5 Activity represents work and I will be more productive at work.
CECS 6800 Presentation on Survey instrument and findings
CECS 6800 Presentation on Survey instrument and findings
CECS 6800 Presentation on Survey instrument and findings
CECS 6800 Presentation on Survey instrument and findings Conclusion: The stress added in the labs work to make the learning experience more effective and useful.