Child Runaway/ Civil War Comparison
assignment Compare the scenario to succession, Civil War, and Reconstruction by creating a t-chart What was child upset about? Compare to situation between North and South How did parents try to appease situation? Apply to North and South Did parent’s attempts at compromise work? Did governments attempts to compromise with South work? How did parents feel about her moving out? How did Lincoln feel about succession? What did the parent’s do to make it harder for the child to move out? What did Lincoln do to make it harder for the South after they succeeded? How did both situations turn out What was it like for the teen once she moved away? What was it like for the South once they succeeded? Why did they both “come home”, so to speak?
T-Chart Child/Parent Scenario Civil War 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8
Scenario You are a parent, your teenage child does not like the rules you have in place (curfew, chores, homework, behavior). Your child gets upset over rules and you are constantly fighting and screaming at each other. You try to compromise and explain why you have the rules, but she still refuses to obey. She storms out after a fight and does not come home. Next week she moves out entirely. You try to stop her from taking her things since you paid for them, but she pushes you away and take her belongings. You feel that this is illegal and she has no right to be on her own at this age. It is too dangerous and is ripping the family apart. For months you worry about her, feel stressed and tense. Then, one day, she shows up at door, flat broke with no where to live, asking to move back in. What would your decision be?
Child running away from home/moving out a. Child was upset about parent’s leadership, their rules and expectations, their decisions, etc. b. Parent’s try various strategies to compromise with child c. The child becomes so upset and frustrated that she runs away Secession, the Civil War, and Reconstruction Southern states upset over sectional interests such as slavery; infuriated by Lincoln’s election Congress attempts many compromises such as the Northwest Ordinance, the Compromise of 1850, and the Missouri Compromise The slave-owning southern states secede
d. The parents feel this is unacceptable, irresponsible, even illegal e. Parents try to keep child’s personal items in the house, believing they really belong to the parents since the parents have paid for everything f. Child takes items and leaves against orders Lincoln viewed secession as illegal Lincoln seizes all federal possessions located in the South; he stations federal troops at Fort Sumter South Carolina soldiers fired on Lincoln’s federal troops at Fort Sumter, officially beginning the Civil War
g. While living away from home, the child is at a loss of resources and ends up broke and hungry h. The child asks to return home i. Parents outline certain conditions/standards that must be met The Union has superior resources in the Civil War; the southern states are largely destroyed throughout the war The southern states must re-enter the Union Congress’s Reconstruction Plan outlined particular steps southern states had to meet before rejoining