Mrs Higson
Remember yourself as a teenager
Living with a teenager
Top Tips
ZERO TOLERANCE Our school does not tolerate disruption to any Yr 11 classes. Three strikes does not apply if the teacher feels that no disruption can be tolerated. If you disrupt a lesson you will immediately be exited and have an emergency call. You will also have contact home. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BADLY AFFECT THE RESULTS OF OTHERS!
It is not fair that…
This free education can level the playing field for you
Sophie Ehles 9 Maths A*Computing, Biology, Chemistry, Physics 8 English Literature A Geography, Food B RE 6 English Language Katie Taylor 9 English Language A*Chemistry, Physics, Health and Social Care, RE A Biology, Citizenship, Media 7 Maths 4 English Literature Megan Botley A*Geography, Biology, Chemistry, RE 8 English Language, Maths A Physics, Art B French 6 English Literature Distinction ECDL Sandeep Sanghera A*Geography, History A Panjabi, Science, Drama, RE 7 English Literature, Maths B French, Science 6 English Language
This year group are:
Key dates and events Immediate dates: Mon 6 – Fri 10 Nov PPE week Mon 27 Nov Sixth Form Eve Wed 6 Dec Parent interviews & milestone deadline
Friday 29 June – Time to celebrate