Curriculum Maps: what are they and why would we want one? Organisers: Dr Jean McKendree Dr Jim Kerslake Welcome and we’re very pleased to have so many schools represented. Jim and I have organised the workshop today, but we do not want to stand here as the ‘gurus’ of curriculum maps. We are probably as confused and bewildered as you are, but perhaps have learned some useful lessons from starting to try and build one of these things.
Goals for the day Present some examples Discuss definitions and purposes of a map What can one do? What should it do? What should it NOT do? Discuss practical problems and issues Explore possible collaborations NOT to dictate solutions What we are aiming for today is to share some examples just to show different ideas and approaches Have some discussion of definitions and purposes for a curriculum map – importantly, visions of what one can do (and we have included a ‘visionary’ paper by Ronnie Harden in your folders to do some of that, what one should do, and perhaps what one should not do that is better done by some other tool or approach. We are going to try and give some practical advice and issues to consider before launching into such a project – the paper by Jim in your packs tries to outline some of that, but we hope more will emerge during the day We hope to have at lest some discussion of possible collaborations to better share our resources and expertise What we are NOT here to do is to tell you exactly how to do it
Programme Presentations from distinguished colleagues Lunch with live demonstrations in HYMS Two discussion groups to explore issues: Implementation and maintenance issues Pedagogic and strategic issues Report generated based on discussions How are we going to do it? Morning: presentations of some exciting examples and ideas Over lunch: time to see more of these systems and others Afternoon from 1:45 to 3:00: two groups to discuss key issues raised by the day and compile useful issues and lessons for us and others to learn Short feedback session from the two groups will feed into a report that we will write for the Subject Centre