What's your worst fear and why? .My voxpop question is about fears and phobias and why they might have them. I chose this question because I have some of these my self
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Different types of fears? .Fear of the dark . Fear of dentists .fear of needles .fear of spider or arachnophobia .fear of heights or being in a high place .fear of death and or dead things
Primary research evaluation ? After I have asked my question to the public I have got a 50/50 sided answer such as people that have fears and the other majority have no fears at least they know of. So I feel my question will be effective to a majority of people and should get a good response for my voxpop
secondary research on fears? this list of fears below listed in order is based on the search engine keyword research1 used to help create selfhelpcollective.com; i.e. It’s based on data taken from google (and other popular search engines) and indicates the types of fear people are most looking for information on. So it’s not as scientific as a gallop poll but nevertheless this short-list of most common fears does reflect the level of concern that millions of men and women have right now.
Research? 1.) fear of flying-maybe it’s because of confined spaces is an issue here as is fear of heights 2.) fear of public speaking- this fear is all about everybody taking notice of you and listening to what you have to say. 3.) fear of heights- being up height and freaking out or felling uncomfortable in these situation also known as acrophobia. 4.) fear of the dark- this is a fear that steams from childhood I think but it may last well into adulthood this ones one of the most irrational of the top 10 fears and needs to be faced up to one way or another. And overcoming fear of darkness starts with trying to understanding what this fear is really about. That is answering the question “what is it about the dark that frightens you?” 5.) fear of intimacy- other fears come into play when this one does such as rejection commitment failure and a fear of change comes into play as well and change can be scary for all of us at times.
Research part 2? 6.) fear of death-thanotophobia affects many millions around the world it’s not just about the fear of death but the fear of dead things or anything death related. Overcoming this fear is about understanding that life is a cycle that includes death its knowing that people will not forget you; it’s about being open to having this fear in the first place. 7.) fear of failure- this is another understandable fear in the list of most common fears even successful people suffer from this fear I’m sure and I think it fuels many of the other top 10 fears. again this is fear of change and fear of what other people will think of you and as with overcoming most common fears it’s all about facing the fear by taking action. 8.) fear of rejection-is not wanting to disappoint someone and have that acceptance and love of others and making sure that you don’t do anything to jeopardies that. 9.) fear of spiders-this is a self-explanatory fear of spiders is pretty much an irrational fear and it may be because of all the eyes or legs and the hair but some people don’t like them. 10.) fear of commitment-another so called male fear of commitment affects us all I believe at different stages of our lives I also think –as with the other top 10 fears listed above that we can suffer this fear in one part of our lives and not in another.
Some causes of phobias? What causes fear? A potential for pain, or an unrecognizable event, causes fear. The amygdalae, organs in the limbic system, detect such possibilities and send the signals which generate the fear emotion, which sets off avoidance activities. Unlike the rational brain, emotions trigger a variety of instinctual attitudes and behaviours. What causes phobias? A phobia is an excessive and irrational fear reaction. If you have a phobia, you may experience a deep sense of dread or panic when you encounter the source of your fear Also a phobia is a adaptation of fear so what you were afraid of is now classed as a phobia. Wikipidia.co.uk
Focus group I asked my group my question they gave me good feedback such as saying that some might not have any fears or might only have a little fear to talk about