Classics Club Meeting Thurs. Lunch
DXL SUV Perfects
-m / -o -mus s -tis t -nt Singular (most) Plural (must isn’t) 1st 2nd 3rd t -nt
Reminders: Vocab Quiz Tues. 12/3 • Stage 10 Test W-TH 12/4-5 Latin 1: Schedule 11/25 Topic: Comparison of adjectives Warm-Up: Stage 10 Review Sheet Gem Count Stage 10 Stories: controversia group reading w/ gems dramatizations Stage 10 Stories: statuae group reading with gems Reminders: Vocab Quiz Tues. 12/3 • Stage 10 Test W-TH 12/4-5
Latin 1: Schedule 11/25 (alt) Topic: Comparison of adjectives Warm-Up: PTL A, pg. 174 Stage 10 Stories: controversia dramatizations Stage 10 Stories: statuae group reading with gems NOTE: there will be a quiz on DEGREES of ADJECTIVES on MON. 12/2 Reminders: Vocab Quiz Tues. 12/3 • Stage 10 Test W-TH 12/4-5
Reminders: Vocab Quiz Tues. 12/3 • Stage 10 Test W-TH 12/4-5 Latin 1: Schedule 11/25 Topic: Comparison of adjectives Warm-Up: PTL A, pg. 174 Stage 10 Picture Parade Story: pastor et leo group reading and discussion Review comparatives NOTE: there will be a quiz on DEGREES of ADJECTIVES on MON. 12/2 Reminders: Vocab Quiz Tues. 12/3 • Stage 10 Test W-TH 12/4-5
Reminders: Vocab Quiz Tues. 12/3 • Stage 10 Test W-TH 12/4-5 Latin 1: Schedule 12/2 Topic: Comparison of adjectives Degrees Grammar Quiz Stage 10 Picture Parade Stage 10 Stories: statuae group reading Reminders: Vocab Quiz Tues. 12/3 • Stage 10 Test W-TH 12/4-5
Latin 1: Schedule 12/3 (alt) Topic: Comparison of adjectives Stage 10 Vocab Quiz Stage 10 Stories: statuae group reading Stage 10 Stories: anulus Aegyptius If time remains: PTL C, pg. 174 Reminders: Stage 10 Test W-TH 12/4-5
Reminders: Vocab Quiz Tues. 12/3 • Stage 10 Test W-TH 12/4-5 Latin 1: Schedule 12/3 Topic: Comparison of adjectives Stage 10 Vocab Quiz Stage 10 Stories: anulus Aegyptius group reading PTL C, pg. 174 Picture Parade: Adjectives only Reminders: Vocab Quiz Tues. 12/3 • Stage 10 Test W-TH 12/4-5
Latin 1: Schedule 12/4-5 Topic: Introduction to Special Verbs Stage 10 Test pick up new culture pack and begin Stage 11 Sample Sentences Stage 11 Stories: Marcus et Quartus group reading w/ gems Reminders: Vocab Quiz Tues. 12/10 • Grammar Quiz and Culture Pack due 12/11-12
Latin 1: Schedule 12/6 Topic: Dative with Special Verbs EQ: What should be our motivation to vote for certain candidates? Warm-Up: Translate ATL I C, pg. 186 pass out final review read ATL I E Stage 11 Stories: Sulla group reading w/ gems If time remains: Stage 10 Picture Parade Reminders: Vocab/Story Quiz and Culture Pack due 12/11-12 • Final Review 12/13