2009 IECEx Melbourne ExTAG Training Workshop Overview of IECEx Assessments of ExCBs and ExTLs Michel BRENON IEC ExTAG Secretary Director Certification, BV LCIE France Focus on how the IEC operates and produces the standards.
IECEx reports to IEC Conformity Assessment Board (CAB) IECEx is Part of the IEC IEC Founded in 1906, the IEC is an international organization whose mission is to promote international co-operation on all questions of standardization and related matters in the field of electrotechnology “Related matters” means Conformity Assessment or Certification Standards and Worldwide Systems IECEx reports to IEC Conformity Assessment Board (CAB) Range of activity covered by IEC is enormous.
IECEx ExCB / ExTL Assessments - Topics Purpose Model used Line of Reporting Structure
To Develop Confidence and Easier Acceptation: PURPOSE ?? Why To Develop Confidence and Easier Acceptation: Trained + Competent personnel with Ex testing/assessment knowledge Appropriate Facilities for testing / assessment / certification That systems used by ExCBs/ExTLs complies with minimum requirements of ISO/IEC Standards + Guides, eg 17025, Guide 65 IECEx Operational Documents + Rules ExTAG Decisions Confidence that the ExCB / ExTR operates the IECEx way.
IECEx Assessment of ExCBs, ExTLs - Model Used Gathering of objective evidence to demonstrate compliance Documentation Reviews Formal report prepared/ Reviewed by Secretariat Site visits Witness testing Inspection Technical meeting / evaluation of staff Review files records Review internal Audits Review accreditation audits Report submitted for formal voting
Line of Reporting Through the Secretariat Assessment Team reports to the IECEx Management Committee ExMC have final decision on acceptance of ExCB / ExTL Appeal process via ExMC is available ExMC Reports to CAB via IECEx Chairman
Structure IECEx Rules of Procedures require At least one person from ExCB / ExTL on assessment team Assessment team covers technology scope of ExTL / ExCB application. Use of IECEx Technical Guidance Documents ExMC approving the acceptance of ExCBs/ExTLs
IECEx Mode of Operation Scheme operation similar to the “Franchise Model” with a single set of Rules and Operational Procedures adopted by ALL ExTLs and ExCBs Focus for assessments of Candidate ExTLs and ExCBs Ensure they integrate/adopt IECEx ODs as part of the internal Quality System and understand + implement them Consistency in assessments of candidate ExTLs and ExCBs due to use of common assessor pool 5 year re-assessment program of previously accepted bodies.
IECEx ExTL + ExCB Assessment IECEx 02 Rules – Clause 11.1.1 to 11.1.14 iecex02 (ed 3).pdf Determine Acceptance at National Level Integration of IECEx Rules and ODs, eg OD 009 OD009_Version1_IECEx_OpsManual_Issued.doc into their internal Quality system Compliance with ISO/IEC Guide 65 (OD 007 Checklist) Linkage with at least one ExTL, where integral a clear separation between testing and certification Ability to conduct Quality Audits of Manufacturers to OD 005 and compliance with OD 025 Compile site assessment Report (OD 006) Prepare final voting Report to ExMC
IECEx ExTL + ExCB Assessment ExTL Assessment: IECEx 02 Rules – Clause 11.2.1 to 11.2.12 iecex02 (ed 3).pdf Determine Acceptance at National Level Integration of IECEx Rules and ODs, eg OD 012(GUM) OD_012_ExTAG_GUM_Edition_2.doc into their internal Quality system Plus ExTAG Decision sheets Compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 (OD 018 Checklist) Linkage with at least one ExCB Compile TGDs for the relevant protection concepts. Note now being used by National Accreditors Technical interview with ExTL staff re competence assessment Witness conduct of tests and assessments Review of issued reports
Summary of IECEx Assessment Records Completed TGDs + Check Lists Site Assessment Audit Plan, Reports + Notes, eg Follow Up Actions Original Application Information + Forms Original Application Information + Forms Surveillance Schedule and Information Retained by IECEx Secretariat Available to IECEx Member Bodies Summary Voting Report Available to ALL IECEx Member Bodies Surveillance information and reporting by IECEx Secretariat
Surveillance of ExCBs and ExTLs Where National accreditation found to comply with IECEx requirements Periodic check by Secretariat on status and scope of National accreditation Internal auditing by ExCB and ExTL Notification of any changes, eg re-location, ownership, loss of key personnel etc 5 Year re-assessments Where Body does not have acceptable national accreditation Annual surveillance visits by an IECEx Assessor Notification of any change eg re-location, ownership, loss of key personnel etc Where ExTL has national accred. But ExCB does not – annual surveillance shall be conducted
Surveillance of the IECEx System Dedicated Technical Secretariat with the role of Scheme CEO Secretariat reports to IECEx Chairman and Officers between meetings and to full IECEx Management Committee Annual meetings of ExMC and IECEx Technical Committee, ExTAG + ExMarkCo Constant monitoring of the Scheme, including industry inquiries to IECEx Secretariat. IECEx Chairman and Secretariat report TWICE per year to the IEC Conformity Assessment Board (12 Member IEC Board) at meetings Any IECEx Member Country may request a change or improvement.
Thank you.