Mindful Moment Match your inhale to the shape growing and your exhale to the shape shrinking.
Respond to the questions on Post It Have you ever felt you’ve been judged for something you cannot control? How did it make you feel?
Respond to the artwork and artist Ai Wei Wei here. Take Notes Here Respond to the artwork and artist Ai Wei Wei here.
Chinese Dissident Artist IG: aiww Ai WeiWei Chinese Dissident Artist IG: aiww
Respond to the video on the Post It. Have you ever really thought about how it might feel in another person’s skin, gender, religion? What might be different about your life?
Take Notes Here Respond to the artwork and artist Hank Willis Thomas and Kara Walker here.
African American Contemporary Artist IG: hankwillisthomas
African American Contemporary Artist IG: kara_walker_official
Respond to Video on Post It. How has your schooling experience affected your life? Describe both the positive and the negative.
Respond to the artwork and artist Shepard Fairey here. Take Notes Here
White Male Contemporary Artist IG: obeygiant Shepard Fairey White Male Contemporary Artist IG: obeygiant
Respond to the video on Post It. Is your voice heard? How do you ensure it is heard in the community? In the school? In your family?
Respond to the artwork and artist Candy Chang here. Take Notes Here
Taiwanese-American Woman Artist IG: candychangland
Assignment Goal: Create a piece responding to a social issue that engages the viewer – either through interaction, shock, or intrigue.
Get Prepared for Today Take a minute to reflect on yesterday’s experience. Look at the Posters with other people’s responses to the prompts.
Assignment Goal: Create a piece responding to a social issue that engages the viewer – either through interaction, shock, or intrigue.
Use this sheet with the images in order to find tools, techniques, methods and strategies that artists use to engage viewers
Share your top 3 answers for each category using the Qr Code Period 2
Share your top 3 answers for each category using the Qr Code Period 3
Share your top 3 answers for each category using the Qr Code Period 4
Share your top 3 answers for each category using the Qr Code Period 5
Share your top 3 answers for each category using the Qr Code Period 7
Mindful Moment Match your inhale to the shape growing and your exhale to the shape shrinking.
Assignment Goal: Create a piece responding to a social issue that engages the viewer – either through interaction, shock, or intrigue.
Use the QR Code to type in your responses. Watch the board to see the issues! 2nd Period
What are some social issues? Use the Post its to write down social issues. Add to larger poster.
Use the QR Code to type in your responses. Watch the board to see the issues! 4th Period
What are some social issues? Use the Post its to write down social issues. Add to larger poster.
Which social issues affect your life? Use the Think Sheet to prepare for the Circle. Take notes on it if you want to.
Mindful Moment Match your inhale to the shape growing and your exhale to the shape shrinking.
Assignment Goal: Create a piece responding to a social issue that engages the viewer – either through interaction, shock, or intrigue.
Options to Achieve Goal: Work Collaboratively Work Alone Placed in Community Presented Online Large Scale Interactive Shock Intrigue
Use Symbaloo – through QR or website Research Use Symbaloo – through QR or website Check out at least 2 resources and find one on your own Plan and Make Sketch, Get Feedback, Make Upload to Seesaw Present In Community (in school, out of school, etc) Online (IG, FB, etc.)
Take notes about what you do, you see, and how it might help your work Podcasts Videos Artists Websites and Videos Articles Use the Symbaloo Board to do some research. Watch a video. Read an article. Explore a website. Take notes about what you do, you see, and how it might help your work
SO WHAT? What did you find? NOW WHAT? What will you do with this information? Find your OWN resource by using the internet, resources in the classroom or some other way.
Share your resource if it was helpful!
Assignment Goal: Create a piece responding to a social issue that engages the viewer – either through interaction, shock, or intrigue.
Use Symbaloo – through QR or website Research Use Symbaloo – through QR or website Check out at least 2 resources and find one on your own Plan and Make Sketch, Get Feedback, Make Upload to Seesaw Present In Community (in school, out of school, etc) Online (IG, FB, etc.)
Each person needs to fill this out completely. Take the time to think about how you will present this to ensure viewer engagement. The goal is to ENGAGE THE VIEWER.
Creation of art based on clear social issue Social Issue Response Creation of art based on clear social issue Viewer Engagement Viewer is engaged through interaction, shock or intrigue. Craftsmanship The quality of design and work